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Shane @FightingSeraph

Age 39, Male

Need a new one.


Slidell, Louisiana

Joined on 5/25/01

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FightingSeraph's News

Posted by FightingSeraph - September 12th, 2010

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This looks like to be a pretty badass movie, although it reminds me of my own IP. Now, I'm not accusing Black Sun of copying because the similarities are coincidental. (Just like how Xombie, Dr. Shroud, and Joe Zombie have one thing in common with each other, but have their own differences.) Here's hoping that David Weinstein doesn't fuck it up. Plus, as an added bonus, here's a link to one of the artists: http://www.hideyoshi-ruwwe.net

Posted by FightingSeraph - August 29th, 2010

http://fightingseraph.newgrounds.com/n ews/post/406627

Space Taxi

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I remember this back in '91-'92 and it was the C64's answer to Atari's Lunar Lander.

Hard Hat Mack

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This was one of the first games from Electronic Arts and it's a single screen platformer that plays music as long as Mack is moving.

Jungle Hunt

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Port of the '82 Taito arcade game.

Park Patrol

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Here's an old Activision classic that involves you playing a ranger picking up trash. It may sound mundane, but it's rather fun.

Ultimate Bruce Lee

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Here's a nice-looking remake of the old Bruce Lee C64 game.

Posted by FightingSeraph - July 31st, 2010

MichNews.com: Destroying Biodiversity
So much for environmentalism, which has basically debasing itself for years. I may side with Patrick Moore on ecological issues, but I think a lot of these environmentalist groups could be done away with.

Cato Institute: Immigration Law Enforcement and False Arrests
This sums up why Arizona's attempt at stopping illegal immigration will end up like every other attempt that the conservatives have tried to do something about it. If you want to do something about the illegal alien problem, why not make legal immigration easier?

Libertarian Party: How the city politicians of Bell, CA conned the low income taxpayers to unwittingly pay for their huge salaries.
Don't you find it ironic that people who claim to be for the poor are in reality, exploiting them? (I say Fuck the liberal left.)

John Stossel: Enviro Torture

Bakersfield.com: Independent Thought Not Wanted At UCLA

Posted by FightingSeraph - July 11th, 2010


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Legend of Valkyrie

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Note: The version on Namco Museum Volume 5 has an English translation.

Baraduke/Alien Sector

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That's all I'm showing this time...

Posted by FightingSeraph - June 18th, 2010

1. Rhete: Even though I admire his programming skills, I think it's time for him to stop copying off of anime and learn basic artistic principles. (Examples: anatomy, perspective, values, color theory, etc.) Not to mention that it's ironic that he claims to hate sprite flash, but used sprites in his two latest games (Cock Block and Kock Kombat).

2. Noiserover: It's amazing that he manages to keep his flash optimized while having such great art, animation, and voice acting. For those who don't know who he is, he created The Undead in the vampires collection.

3. Egoraptor: I wish that this man's detractors would shut the hell up. Even though he is way overexposed, most of his detractors can't direct, draw, animate, voice act, write, or time comedy as well as he does. Therefore, unless somebody has a valid critique, they shouldn't be listened to. With that out of the way, as much as I like most of his stuff, I would like for him to broaden his horizons some more. Plus, I remember when he used to do custom sprites before he did Metal Gear Awesome.

4. Iraq: Look, I don't support the occupation anymore, but that is due to practical reasons. However, I do believe that going after Saddam was justified for good reasons. As for the bullshit oil argument that liberal dipshits continue to parrot incessantly: Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait for oil; both of the Bush guys invaded Iraq to Stop Saddam. Goddamn, can't the lame-ass leftists come up with a good argument against something without looking like the religious right.

5. Old Vector games: A lot of people may be familiar with Asteroids and Geometry Wars, but how many are familiar with Tempest, Gravitar, Space Duel, Cosmic Chasm, Omega Race, Spacewar, Atari's Star Wars arcade games, Major Havoc, etc.? It's too bad that there aren't enough people here making more flash movies in the style of these underappreciated gems. Plus, western companies at that time weren't the only ones doing these in the Golden Age of Video Games; Sega made a few of them as well such as Tac/Scan, the Star Trek arcade game, and Space Fury.

6. M-Bot the game: I really like how Mindchamber and Frosted Muffins did by mixing the Canabalt/G-Switch running and jumping mechanics with Philosoma-style shooting elements. However, the system requirements for that game are rather high for a flash game. On the other hand, I really dig the use of prerendered models for the graphics. As for MC comparing this to Zaxxon, an old Sega game that was released in 1982; it felt like Zaxxon 3D for the Sega Master System, but with a side view than the arcade Zaxxon.

7. Stick Figures: As much as I like the Stick Slayer series, I don't mind sticks as long as they have the content to back them up. I mean, if you're going to do something with stickmen at least come up with a good plot or a cool-looking fight to compensate for them.

8. Malapa's Challenge: Does anybody remember this game by Septimus by any chance? I enjoyed it back in 2001 and played it again a few months back. Well, it still was good as it was back in the day, but I think Septimus could have made it compatable with Flash 5+ players. Not to mention that he could have uploaded the music onto the Audio Portal.

Posted by FightingSeraph - June 11th, 2010

Akka Arrh

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Here's an unreleased game that was made back in 1982 that can be summed up as Tempest in reverse with raster graphics instead of vectors.

I, Robot

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This was the first video game to use polygon graphics, but the release of this was during the '83-'84 Video Game Crash. That, as a result, killed its chances of any sucess.

Marble Madness 2: Marble Man

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It's too bad that this was never released, because I think it looks just as fun as the first Marble Madness. Plus, it makes you wonder why Midway didn't include it with their Arcade Treasures series.

Dan Coogan's Gravitar Site-A really neat resource into Atari's Gravitar.

Owen Rubin-This man has worked on mostly obscure arcade titles such as Major Havoc, Orbit (a raster version of Spacewar), Tunnel Hunt, Goalie Ghost, and Space Duel (a color version of Asteroids that allowed two simultaneous players).

Siggraph's interview with Mr. Rubin-A look into what it was like working on old vector games.

Unrelated Links
John Stossel on Milton Friedman's Free To Choose

A Brief History of Communism

Posted by FightingSeraph - June 7th, 2010


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Also known as The Fox and Asian Raccoons Cheat Each Other.

I think that this is called "Preparing for School"

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A rather cute short I found with the other video...

The Routing of the Tengu

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This has a samurai that looks like Betty Boop.

Posted by FightingSeraph - June 2nd, 2010

Gene Healy on the oil spill.

I don't know about what people here think, but I'm getting tired of hearing about the oil spill. I'm all for doing something about it, but I've already heard all of the many ways of cleaning it up. Please keep in mind that I happen to be from Louisiana and can see where those who make their living off of seafood are coming from. Plus, there's also Liability Limits, which add insult to injury to those aforementioned fishermen. It's amazing that the Right-wingers are complaing about Obama hardly doing anything about this, while at the same time are bitching at his agenda. That reminds me of the Liberal Left, who were going apeshit over Bush's domestic and foreign polices, but when Katrina hit; they were quick to accuse him of doing too little, too late. This is why support the Libertarian Party, the Cato Institute, and have the Kubby Chronicles in my favorites.

IBD: Reversing A Mistake

I know a lot of you Canadians will hate me for bringing this up, but just had to do it.

Frequently Asked Questions on DDT
Ozone Seasonal Chart

Posted by FightingSeraph - May 8th, 2010

The First Atari Lynx Post
The Second Atari Lynx Post

Yep, I have got some more Atari Lynx stuff here, even though it's just videos.


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Here's another brand new release for the system, which happens to be a horizontal shooter I might add.

Gates of Zendocon

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Here's another horizontal shooter, but this one was made back in 1990.

Chip's Challenge

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A different take on puzzle games, this was also made for the Amiga, Mac, Dos, and Windows.

Battle Wheels

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The first car combat game for a handheld system and it preceded Twisted Metal by two years.

Ninja Gaiden 3

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Didn't expect NG3 to be ported onto this system? This was one of those rare instances where a home system exclusive gets ported to this handheld. Atari could have done a better job on the graphics and music, though.

Checkered Flag

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Of all of the racing games for the Lynx, this was the only conventional racing game for the system. It was also ported to the Jaguar, but I heard that that version sucked. Plus, those are some nicely done voice samples used.

California Games (I also used to own this one as well)

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Even though this is just the Surfing part of the game, I really enjoyed this game a lot.

Posted by FightingSeraph - May 5th, 2010

If you are wondering why I collect these, I just do it for personal enjoyment and to inform as many people as possible. Truth is, I'm neither liberal or conservative. I mean, what's the goddamned difference between the two if they support the same thing for different reasons? Plus, they are usually making shit up about each other, or blaming each other for various fuck-ups in various parts of the world.

John Stossel's articles:
Everyone Prospers with Free Trade
Where Are The Bodies?

Investors' Business Daily:
Obama's Katrina
A Not-So-Golden State

The Cato Institute:
Contra Camelot
Taming Pyongyang

Web logs:
Truth or Scare
Junkfood Science