No, I am not supporting either Obama nor McCain. I think that Obama is a clueless dipshit who will just be like Ray Nagin on a bigger scale; while McCain is a warmonger. And here's some things about the two that you Don't know:
I. Barack Obama voted for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and said in one interview that he supported military action in Iran. Apparently, his dipshit supporters are in denial.
II. Sarah Palin, McCain's VP, supported Tax Hikes on Oil and gas; and tried to fire her in-laws.
III. John McCain is opposed to the use of Torture on Prisoners of War (not that's a bad thing), and voted on the recent bailout (which is really bad).
With that out of the way, I'll tell you my reasons for Supporting Bob Barr and the Libertarian Party:
1. They Support Tax Cuts and Fiscal Responcibility.
2. They are opposed to the use of torture.
3. They oppose the PATRIOT Act, FISA, and any legislation that violates the US Constitution.
4. They support ending the Iraq war and are for free trade.
5. They are opposed to sealing the US-Mexico border.
6. They are opposed to the welfare system, which should be called the unfair system.
7. They have supported Social Security reform (read: optoin to opt out).
8. They have Supported Legal gun ownership. (You should see what the National Rifle Association has to say about McCain, it will surprise you.)
Here's the link: