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Recent Movie Reviews

281 Movie Reviews

Amazing as always!

I have to admit that it took a lot of balls to submit something with a low resolution seeing that this site has an intoxicating obsession with HD. (Not everything needs to have a minimum screen resolution of 1280*720 with post processing.) Now, on with the review.

Animation: Goddamn, this beats a lot of the inane tripe that passes for frontpage material for miles. Your poses, timing, expressions, and use of lip-sync are magnificent. Plus, I loved how you did your pans/rotations the hand drawn way. This is the kind of stuff that's legit and excellent at the same time.
Sound: I liked the sparse use of voices and the music selection. It's not easy finding the right music, and even harder to find that right moment.
Content: It may be a one-vs-many cartoon, but the setting and direction make up for it. Many animation veterans are tired of the super fast choreography, yet you used it to your advantage unlike so many others on here. I think more Stickpage/Dojo members should do cartoons with fully-drawn characters because you can only do so much with sticks.

The Good:
-The setting
-Great direction
-Fitting music
-Adept animation
-Decent diologue

The Not so good:
-Not that original, but the execution is what counts.

Overall: Here's a ten from me. (5/5)

SunnyGOES responds:

Thanks, I'll make point of those notes :) Next time I'll try to be more original


I have to say that this is probably the best collab of the year.

Animation: Interesting mix between sticks and fully-drawn characters, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. All of the animators did an excellent job on this, and unlike most collabs, felt like a theatrical-era cartoon. In addition, it's nice to see something from you and your collaborators that isn't fighting.
Music: The selection for this is excellent, but you guys may want to check out the audio portal for music next time. (Here's a hint, check out the song Impertinence for something worthwhile.)
Content: It's nice to see something different here from you. The direction and timing are amazing as always. However, I have run out of things to say here, so I have to say "Great Job."

The Good:
-Interesting mix between sticks and fully-drawn characters.
-Well animated
-Fitting music
-Best example of a collab

The Bad:-
-None at the moment

Overall: Would all of those involved like a ten from me? (5/5)

This reminds me of what Flamezero did years ago.

It's been a while since I saw a serious sprite movie that was actually interesting and didn't rely on clichés (examples: Voice actors who were good once but have gotten stale due to overuse; increasingly stale super-fast choreography; and poor joke material, but that last one has been a problem since NG's early years.)

Graphics: While some of the backgrounds may be sloppy when compared with the likes of Alvin Earthworm; the spritework in this was well-done albeit garden variety. However, I did like how you did some customization on Mega Man's behalf. It may not be as meticulous as Super Duck Hunt, or as limit-breaking as Proxicide; but you did a good job none-the-less. Also worth mentioning is your fight choreography. It may not be fast, but at least it was interesting. One gripe: I think that your camera movements could use some easing.
Audio: Unlike the staff, I have no problem with commercial audio as long as it fits the movie and isn't the only music you're using. The songs you chose fit the situations quite well, but I think you ought to check out the songs that Bosa and xenith800 have submitted here when possible. As for your sound effects, I will suggest that you check out Rayforce, Raystorm, Transformers, and Kirby Super Star for those since the ones used seemed tepid.
Finally, the content: I have to admit that I enjoyed your Flash "The Samurai" episode IV, and this is a bit of an improvement. In addition to your choreography, you sure put quite a bit of thought into narrative cohesion. It isn't easy to make a story easy to follow, especially when people put more thought into tricky angles without any thought into how it's going to work. However, this could be less generic considering how overused the subject.

The Good:
-Decent direction
-Great music selection
-Good direction and pace
-Decent writing

The Bad:
-Overused subject
-Needs better sound effects
-Could have used more sprite customization

Overall: Here's a nine from me. (4.5/5)

BallinSNN122 responds:

Thanks for the detailed review! I'll take a look at all the things you suggested, especially regarding the sound effects.

Glad you liked TS4, I used the creation process to shake some rust off, but I feel I can take that and make something I'm truly proud of.

The feedback is much appreciated,


Recent Game Reviews

48 Game Reviews

Easily one of the more interesting sleeper hits.

I haven't written a review in a while, but considering the lack of reviews this had...

Graphics: You guys did a great job on all of those backgrounds. In addition, the old Mac aesthetic was captured perfectly. Of course, there wasn't much in terms of actual animation, but considering the limitations; I'll let you off the hook.
Sound: There wasn't any music at all considering how the Mac was up until a certain point. On the other hand, those sound effects are excellent.
Content: I'll admit that when I first played this, it was confusing until that aforementioned walkthrough. However, this captures the spirit of the old ICOM/Infinite Ventures games quite nicely. Plus, you guys got the scary factor down to a T. This may not be for the little peckers who can't put down the lame a-I mean, latest iDroid products, but for people who want real Flash movies and games; this gets my appreciation.

What I do like:
-Nice use of the old Mac aesthetics
-Fun once you know how
-Good sound effects

What I didn't like:
-Confusing at first
-Not going to win beauty pageants, but not everything needs to be in HD.

Overall: Here's a nine from me. (4.5/5)

It may not be much of a game, but good enough for what it is.

I thought I would give my two cents on this.

When it comes to the art and animation, you have improved a bit in that department. The character in question is better drawn and animated when compared to your last commission. (Or for that matter, any female character drawn by the Perfect Kirby guys.) You have a nice mix between Frame-by-frame and tweening for this. In addition, I liked your usage of color for this piece. As for the music, it is quite fitting for what you had and the same can be said for the sound effects. Finally, there's the content: it may not be as amazing as that last game I reviewed or Abobo's Big Adventure, but you put some thought into the interactivity. The use of x-ray was really novel, and the same can be said about the 'light switch.' While the person who paid this piece got a good deal; I think there could have been more done to give it a bit more longevity.

The Good:
-Underused subject
-Good animation
-Nice interactive elements
-Good sound selection

The Bad:
-Considering what Line Marvel, Gorepete, and Ivan Aedler have done; there isn't much in terms of content. However, since this was a commission; I'll let it slide.

Overall: Here's an eight from me, and I told Ivan to check you out. (4/5)

Recent Audio Reviews

100 Audio Reviews

This sounds like something that was made in the '90s.

I've always preferred '90s metal acts over the vast majority of '80s metal. (Something that'll make '80s music junkies retch and gag, but who cares?) It's almost as if you took Fear Factory and Xorcist together and combined their distinct sounds. In other words, pretty damned badass!

Sound: Nice mix between synths, adept guitar playing, powerful drums, and well-thought out bass. Industrial metal is one cross-genre that is overlooked on NG. Furthermore, it isn't easy finding the right sounds for the right job. (I had to stop working on several songs on account of that.)
Composition: I may not be an expert on music, but this is very well composed for what you had. The rhythm was perfect, arrangement dynamic, and scoring very nice. I can hear this being used in a few submissions.
Other: Not much else needs to be said.

The Good:
-Interesting take on genres
-Great composition
-Adept rhythm
-Great sound design
-Properly loops

The Bad:
-Nothing at the moment

Overall: Here's a ten from me, Ali. (5/5)

The definitive Psybreaks song.

Why is it that many of your songs end up getting such low scores upon submission? If anything, higher ratings would be more appropriate. Anyways, I thought I would review another one of your songs.

Sound design: Interesting combination of Breakbeat and Psytrance (Colloquially known as Psybreaks). However, this feels more ambient than psychedelic. The use of double breaks was pretty cool, along with the incredibly subtle hi-hats. In other words, you did something quite unique in terms of instrumentation.
Composition: This was quite enjoyable albeit drawn out. However, when it gets good; this becomes something that should be listened to. The arrangement is excellent save for the drawn out intro and end. That and you had a nice sense of rhythm going on that made use of the individual notes.
Other: I can hear this being used in a couple of games if the creator is really crafty.

The Good:
-Interesting mix of genres
-Nice composition that uses the rhythm
-Clever use of breaks
-Great sound design

The Bad:
-Feels more ambient than psychedelic
-Intro and end feel drawn out.

Overall: I'll give this a ten. (5/5)

hardcorescm responds:


thanks for your indepth review, always like to hear what people think of my stuff, and the teaching me of the word psybreaks :)

Recent Art Reviews

38 Art Reviews

You captured the surrealist aesthetic quite nicely.

I don't know why I write so few art reviews, but here's one from me.

The colors and textures are really well thought out and clever use of square brushes. In addition, the anatomy is adept, and the same goes for the perspective. It really shows how much you know your shit. That and your judicious use of filters.

cherry-cupid responds:

Thanks, yea. I do need a few more texture brushes; sadly i painted this on the laptop which doesn't have as much power =/

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