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Shane @FightingSeraph

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Things on my mind Datatrack 05

Posted by FightingSeraph - October 11th, 2008

Datatrack Four is here

1. Obama and McCain Supporters: What is with these guys? It's funny how it's perfectly acceptable to diss on one of the candidates; but when someone from the opposing side disses the other, the previous guy gets offended. I do not like either one of them and the previous post explains it quite well.
Update: http://www.lp.org/blogs/andrew-davis/t he-republican-case-against-the-republi can-party
I say "Let them eat shit!"

2. Notorious: Is it just me, or is he just a whiny little bitch who is unable to make the front page and takes his frustration out on others? Judging from his cartoons, he's in no place to criticize the likes of Egoraptor. Why? Simply because his cartoons are boring and bring nothing truly new to the portal. Maybe if he stopped bitching about Alvin-Earthworm, Hentai Flash, etc.; and actually made something worth watching then maybe I wouldn't look at him with such disdain.

3. The Parody Rangers: I liked the first two Rangers toons, but the third was nowhere near as funny due to its unneeded fanboy references and internet gags. The Movie so far was a cheap laugh here-and-there, but it was pretty boring. It makes you wish that Kirbopher didn't cancel TTA.

4. Grand Theft Auto and its clones: Ugh, I think that the idea of running around town, killing people, stealing shit, and what have you has gotten lame by now. If GTA in New York wasn't enough, now we'll have it take place in England, Miami, Los Angeles, Chinatown, New Orleans, Shreveport, Bangladesh, Lemuria, and so on. At least No More Heroes had a plot even though it's closer to the Legend of Zelda.

5. New Transformers Cartoons: I haven't seen Animated yet since I stopped watching Cartoon Network at least eight years ago. However, I'm getting sick of people bitching about how they changed the looks of Optimus and Megatron for umpteenth time. Here's the mindset of this type of TF fan:
Megatron to Galvatron: That's Ok.
Hot Rod to Rodimus Prime: That's Ok.
Bumblebee to Goldbug: That's Ok.
Optimus Prime to Powermaster Prime: That's Ok (Fun Fact: Peter Cullen was Tank in Challenge of the Go-bots, Murky in Rainbow Brite, and Vengar in Dungeons and Dragons).
When Optimus Prime is a Gorilla voiced by Garry Chalk (From the X-Files); Megatron is a T-Rex voiced by David Kaye (From GI Joe and he's now the Animated Optimus); Scorponok is a real scorpion voiced by Paul Dobson (From Mega Man); Silverbolt is a wolf-eagle fuzor voiced by Scott McNeil (also from Mega Man); Inferno is fire ant voiced by Jim Byrnes (From War Planets); and Rampage is a Transmetal crab voiced by Campbell Lane (also from War Planets): Whoa, you can't do that to my beloved Transformers!
What do I think of them? They're in need of serious life re-evaluation.

6. The "A Personal Message to NG" meme: I'm starting to get tired of these, and this is from someone who avoids them all the time. Honestly, it's not right to take a title like that and trivialize it just for shits and giggles. It's not only (unintentionally) insulting, but annoying as hell.

7. The Voice Acting Club/Alliance: I know that a lot of people use these forums to get voice actors for their flash movies, but I'm ripping on them again. The vast majority of these VAs suck major ass when compared to real professionals like Jon St. John, and any flash they get to do gets high scores regardless of the flash cartoon's actual quality. Here's hoping that they end up in the next All Fads Die collab.

8. The Best Page in the Universe: Even though Maddox hardly updates his site anymore, I rarely see anybody rebuke his arguments without resorting to the mother of all logical fallacies: Argumentum ad Hominem. Plus, I give him credit for having the balls to trash enviromentalists, conservatives (his taunt at Bill O'Reilly is boss), and anyone/anything else that pisses him off.


I'm not going to say everyone on the VAC/VAA is great, because that's FAR from the truth. However, there's still a very sizable amount of talents between the two, who are more than capable of delivering Grade A voicework when they're properly cast and directed.

It's a huge pity how underexposed many of these names are.