I'm a newshound and you can give me the benefit of a doubt, but since Facebook is not Opera-friendly; I'm posting my news links here.
Obama's enviromental hypocrisy-I can credit him for shutting down that Guantanamo Bay camp, but that doesn't change the fact that Obama is a clueless dipshit.
Politics and science Don't Mix-Mixing biased political beliefs with scientific research is anti-science all in itself.
Junkfood Science: What do Healthy eating and Lifestyles have in common with woo?-Woo woo is slang for questionable beliefs and the assholes that perpetuate them.
How Enviromentalists are getting away with GMO deceit-This is why Patrick Moore left GreenPeace.
Hawaii Free Press: Organic food tied to roundworm contamination-I have no comments for this one.
Metroid 2: Return of Samus remake
Government-run healthcare discriminates against the handicapped.-I loooove anything that will make free healthcare supporters shit their pants when they see someone tearing apart their gris-gris.
Plus, a rant that isn't from Foamy or Maddox:
Even though I would like to see more hand animated flash cartoons here; I won't discourage anyone who use tweened animation (as in lots of rotation and scaling). Unlike certain cartoonists, I take effort into consideration when it comes to rating cartoons here, whether it is some tried-and-true tweened cartoon by LegendaryFrog or a hand animated spectacle by Adam Phillips. For a site like this, animation quality does not matter most of the time. That is what the other aspects of the cartoon come in. I have a few example comparisons that prove this viewpoint:
1. Kirbopher's $00pah Nin10doh! had excellent animation that was brought down by its jokes, which were old, repetitive, and weren't meant for such professional animation*. On the other hand, Rats on Cocaine by Dean Packis had graphics that reminded me of the early flash portal (1999-2001), but most of the episodes are really funny (ep. 10 is a laugh riot).
2. McFretN's cartoons and games are still enjoyable even though they're past their prime; whereas Ebolaworld has only one or two cartoons that are enjoyable to an extent regardless of the art and animation quality.
I could compare and contrast more cartoonists here, but I'm not in the mood to do so. One thing that I'm sick of are flash cartoonists who use current events as their plots. Like the randomly placed gags of Family Guy, using current events for plotlines is becoming an excuse for writers to be lazy and uncreative these days. Look, it worked for the Simpsons until that show's writers decided to counter Seth McFarlane's attempt at doing something similar. It worked for South Park until 2002; that's when Trey Parker and Matt Stone went overboard. Hell, it worked for Y.A.A.F.M. even though The_Walrus pissed off a lot of people for going after Michael Moore and Muslims. Just because satire worked for the aforementioned to an extent doesn't mean that others should follow in their footsteps. I'm also sick of people who can draw and animate, but have no real talent when it comes to comedy, storytelling, etc. To those I say "Instead of trashing instant frontpage cartoonists, why not try learning how make yours better?"
*=I have nothing against Kirbopher, but I didn't find $00pah! Nin10doh! funny.
You should tell some more people about this very rant.