1. DBZ-style flash: Even though I loved McFretn's Brutality and to a lesser extent, SMB Z; just how many DBZ-modeled flash movies do we have to see? Don't get me started on that "Over 9000" bullshit.
2. Mario and Sonic crossovers: This only worked for Randy Solem, Rob Foor, and Alvin Earthworm. All the others are completely unnecissary and uncreative to a fault. Use different games that aren't as well-known, people.
3. Super Smash Brothers spoofs: While there are only a few I like; most of them on the other hand are very dull and overrated. The jokes used in these are old, repetitive, and gut-wrenchingly unfunny. And this is coming from a SSB fan.
That's all for the tacky flash trends; now for something cool:
Alchemy art software
Colors art software