1. Broken Saints: What's the big deal? This has been blown out of proportion to the point where it needs mentioning. Sure it has David Kaye and Scott McNeil, but there are better flash cartoons that they and the rest of the cast of this could be in. Seeing that it's nothing more than Clutch Cargo meets Alan Moore, but Moore's stuff was great reading.
2. Sonic Shorts: I avoid these cartoons for a good reason, maybe it's due to the fact they try too much to be like Skittles 'N Bitz.
3. Nin10Doh! (Both of them): The animation was excellent, but most of the sketches in them consist of jokes that were ripped out of various webcomics, 4chan, YTMND, and YouTube. Sure, Kirbopher/Neo-C is a great voice actor, but the voices in those two collabs were, quite frankly, annoying as hell. And this is coming from someone who enjoyed the Parody Rangers cartoons (except for the movie).
4. How to Succeed on NG: Even though I liked the jabs at Omahdon, Tomamoto, Rina-Chan, Egoraptor, and I think either Lucien Dodge or Tam Tu Bui. This deserves mentioning even though it is just two parts. It copies off of Portal Detour and NG Sticks, which preceeded it by eight years. And many of the jokes and the opinions expressed by Biff The Timid seem as if they were taken from I-Mockery.
5. Superhero Slayers: I'm sorry, but the only person who did enjoyable Marvel/DC-related cartoons is Wogoat. Episode Three was just generic, poorly paced, and boring to watch. Plus, the voice acting sucked...hard. If the other episodes are like the one I saw, I'll probably just end up hating on it.
6. Arfenhouse: I liked the first two cartoons, but the rest of them are too random to be funny. Plus, Misteroo and DL Neutrino are in no place to criticize any other flash cartoonist without looking like complete hypocrites because of how random and poorly-made the Arfenhouse cartoons are even though that was intended.
The only reason I didn't like Nin10doh is because of the pokeporn scenes.