Penn Says: Israel and the Pope
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How's this for thoughtful commentary.
Cato Institute: Jason Riley assails the myths of immigration.
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Many of you will find this boring, but I don't think that anyone will be able to refute this.
Robert Bryce on energy independence.
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I recommend Mr. Bryce's book to anyone.
Lemmings Longplay Part One.
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Warning! Three hours long, but worthwhile.
I thought it was about time to put aside my random ramblings and show people something worthwhile. Besides, I'm not in the mood to share my thoughts and feelings.
Ragathol- Another one of my favorites.
Coonass- What? A Louisianian on That cannot be, for that destroys any pre-conceived notions about Louisiana that I have!!
Why government should NOT tell businesses what to do.
Ultimate Shmup Universe-The place to go for Space shooters that weren't done in Flash.