Remember the early days of the portal when voice acting in Flash cartoons was a rarity, but was done rather well most of the time. Back then it was just Evil Dave (who needs to make some new cartoons), Sharem Ma'Ten (the original voice of Miss Dynamite), Jason Buck (who Ben Spurgin had as the Stick Slayer), Mike & Andy Parker, Mike Roach (co-creator of The Lloyds), and the guy who created Portal Detour (which is the precursor to How 2 succeed on NG). Of course, this was before people started taking animation too seriously. If you are going to voice act in a Flash cartoon, at least put some effort into the actual acting part like the aforementioned did. Look, I may not think highly of the VA Club or the VA Alliance now, but they emphasize on high-end equipment over actual acting skill. Having a microphone that (almost) matches that of a studio will not make you the next Mel Blanc, Bill Scott (from Rocky & Bullwinkle), Walker Edmiston, Ian James Corlett, Jon St. John (from Duke Nukem 3d), or what not. At least study a few old cartoons and observe how the voices are done a bit. Now to discuss a few voice actors on this site:
1. Egoraptor: Even though his Awesome Schtick is getting stale, but at least he knows how pull off character voices for all of the flash he did. However, I think it's time he focused on his own projects for once instead of doing stuff for other cartoonists. Besides, not every cartoon he does voices for is worthy of a high score. (Fun fact: He also used to draw custom sprites at some point.)
2. Kirbopher: Although I did not like the stuff he did after Mario RPG: Rawest Forest; He is still much better than most of people that the VA Club and VA Alliance when comes to character voices. What bugs me is why aren't people having him in their flash cartoons and games? Plus, I know plenty of stuff that he can be cast into.
3. Hans Van Harken: What's the big deal about this guy? I can credit him for being able to draw and animate; however, as a VA, he's nothing special. And seeing him get voice roles over Cailen Denton (from TTA and the Parody Rangers) or Chris Zito is rather lazy and uninventive.
4. Francine Louise: I don't see anything interesting about her. Her voices come off rather flat at best, or somewhat annoying at worst. Honestly, there are much better VAs than her, such as Rebecca McCarthy (from Griswold the Goblin 2) or Princess Aurora.
5. Chris Zito & Cailen Denton: How come nobody's having these guys in their cartoons and games? Seriously, they're seriously overlooked and I think it's time they did something other than the latest Kirbopher cartoon. The reason that I'm lumping them together because there isn't anying I can say about them without repeating myself to the point of sheer annoyance.
"They emphasize on high-end equipment over actual acting skill." Well, that's blatantly not true. Also, if anyone deserves to be in everything, it's John Mondelli.
<a href=""> l9MMQ</a>
Will add a lot more when I'm less busy, as I've been meaning to get back to you.