I am sick of the lying, hypocritical, oppressive, murderous scum that have plagued the world for centuries. One fights in the name of biblical tradition, the other fights for Karl Marx' discredited economic theories. They say they are for the little guy, but when they get to power; they turn on the people who they say they are for. These dogmatic ideologies and the fanatical pricks that follow them are a threat to everything the United States stand for. The deathtoll from Christianity rivals that of Communism and there is evidence to support that. The left-wingers in the US, Canada, and Europe are closer to Right-wing fundamentalists due to their immeasurable intolerance and permanent crusade. However, the conservatives are closer to far-left communists with their nation-building and permanent revolution. This is one of the reasons why I'm a libertarian; I support both personal and economic freedom.