1. Swine Flu: Am I the only one on here who thinks that the hysteria surrounding it is bullshit!? Then again, I'm not the only one
2. Psi43: It's funny that this nimrod claims that he cares about animation when he has lots of free protection points and can't come up with any decent or original submissions himself.
3. Dustball and Gel: Here's two guys who can come up with original stuff that is of actual quality. Over There, Story Tag, Go Away, 99K, etc. are excellent stuff that probably still belongs in the Top 50. Plus, I'd like to see more reviews from these guys (seeing that they know what they are doing).
4. Kaori Yuki: When compared to Hayao Miyazaki, her stuff is excellent. In case you don't know, she created Angel Santuary and God Child.
5. Private Education: I've spent most of my high school years in a private school, and it beats the fuck out of public schools. Hell, take a look at India and Africa, they have market based education, and it's working pretty damn well.
6. President Obama: A lot of you will hate me for this, but he isn't that much different from Bush. Seriously, Obama supports a lot of the policies that W backed. (Do some goddamned research people.) Not to mention that most of the stuff he supports has been discredited worldwide. After all, if it is okay to trash Bush, then it's acceptable to trash Obama. That, of course, is called Freedom of Speech, which is protected under the First Amendment of the US Constitution. To all of those who will misinterperet this as 'racist'; I think that you need to shut up, step back, re-evaluate your lives, and realize that you are nothing but a bunch of cry-baby pussies.
7. No-God: Here's one guy who I think is underappreciated. For those who don't know, he was behind Celebemon, Crucify-Me Jesus (which needs to be remade), Impeach Clinton, etc. Back in 2000-2001, he used to make some politically incorrect shit along with EvilDave, Dom Price, Em Kaah, etc. When it came to debates, he was capable of making cogent arguments for or against something that hardly got refuted in spite of his spelling mistakes.
8. Blordow: Even though I like this guy's cartoons; I think it's time for him to quit doing piss takes and move on to more original ideas. You have to admit, he knew how to elicit laughter from lots of people.