I first found out of Riki-Oh from the Live movie review on I-Mockery, and after seeing it on there, I decided to find out more about it. Truth is, I found this Wall of Hell anime on YouTube without subtitles and sound that's out of sync. Suffice to say, I didn't like it at first because of those flaws. Then, some time later, I found the live movie via UnflinchedTesticle and I enjoyed the hell out of it. Why? One: It was one of the most accurate manga to live-action adaptations around. Two: For a Hong Kong movie, the dubbing was pretty good, but also adds to any unintended laughter one might attempt. Three: Good gore effects. Now, I found a version of Wall of Hell with subtitles and Loved it. It may not be as gory as the live action flick, but it's just as badass. Too bad nobody has subtitled Child of Destruction...
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I'm only showing the first part of Wall of Hell, though.