I'm tired of all of the flak that Nintendo's latest system is getting. Seriously, as much as I want to try out the X360 for Gears of War, but the nasty bias against Nintendo's new system is starting to piss me off. Look, I understand your skepticism towards the Remote and Nunchuck controller, but the narrow-minded attitude is unnecissary. The sad thing about these pricks is that they don't even take the time to make the sensor adjustments, or, at the very least, read the goddamned owner's manual. Is reading the system manual too damn tedious for you? Hell, the guys at I-mockery and The Best Page in the Universe are actually satisfied with their Wiis. Sony, on the other hand, completely fucked up with the PSP and the PS3. What's even crazier is that the original Playstation wasn't that great to begin with. At least Nintendo let Hudson release the homoerotic space shooter Cho Aniki (Japanese for Super Big Brother) onto the virtual console, whereas Sony canned the PS2 Cho Aniki's US release.