A lot of you will be bent out of shape upon reading this or any of the other posts that I've done, but I think this latest list of Flash series I'm sick of is overdue...
1. Arrogancy: Looking back on this series, I used to like it. However, these days, I have to agree with the following:
-Dave Lovelace
-Tomorrow's Nobodies
-Em Kaah
-Ben Spurgin
It may have been hot shit back in 2001, but it hasn't aged well with its weak story, bad directing, tame music, awful sound effects, and shitty voice acting. Look, I didn't like Sith Confrontation or Superhero Slayers, but I would rather take Xennethy over this or Smash Bros. X
2. Minushi: After watching the first two parts of this, I have to say that Harry Partridge has hit the nail on the head. The graphics may be above-average, but they are taken down by the same flaws as Arrogancy. Keegan's Truck, by contrast, had bad art, but the directing, character development, pacing, etc. more than made up for it.
3. Xombie: To be honest, I liked the fights, animation, and the concept. However, I found this to be more hilarious than tense, especially during the conversations between Dirge and Zoe.
4. Contemplating Reiko: Am I the only one who thinks that this series is a case of non-existant comedic timing, choppy animation, deadpan voice acting, and joke material too anti-climatic for its own good? Keep in mind, this is coming from someone who liked Ranma 1/2 Interactive Dojo, made by Tainted Ink's brother, Dekathos. In short, proof that having original characters doesn't equal good; especially if the series happens to be trite like this.
5. Thamesis: What's with the hype? It's funny that certain people here (RTil, Zekey Spacey Lizard, Notorious etc.) complain about sprite movies, but do they complain about motion comics? Hell no. The definition of animation is a series of drawings that simulate movement, not motion tween panels and text. Throw in a dull story, uninteresting characters, and unfitting music and you have Thamesis in a nutshell. I will agree that sprite movies are way overdone, but even sprite movies have Animation.
6. Shades of Grey: Interesting premise, but the creator of this series is in need of directing skills. The pace for this is just way to slow, from the conversations to the fights. In other words, a half-assed execution on a story that had potential.
7. Madness: To quote Doomhammr, "Madness will never be bad, but I'm getting a bit tired."
8. The Little Buzzers: I may be for originality, but it could have been a better. Keep in mind that this series wasn't the first to have synthesized voices, and didn't have the fun stories that Captain Low-Rez had; that series was way cooler (although it could have continued for a few more eps.). It's pretty obvious that Fraser Agar isn't a storytelling talent, but I do like the character designs for this.