What if you were wrong all along? Would you swallow your pride and accept the correction while risking your image that your supporters created? Or would you discard it and continue your little superstition while drifting towards fanaticism and insanity?
Isn't it ironic that many of these activist groups who claim to be for Freedom of Speech, yet when someone says something that upsets their small-minded world view; they go apeshit and attack the offender in various ways possible. It's funny that Right-wing Xtians consider Abortion murder, yet Catholic and Protestant Christianity has been synonymous with more death and destruction than legalized abortion and communism combined (Islam is not innocent either, but I'm saving them for later). The last thing that the likes of 9-11-01 denier Jim Fetzer and Panther Zora (Michelle Malkin) want is people challenging their dogmatic beliefs with well-informed arguments and hard facts. Many of you will say that Limbaugh and Hannity are exceptions to what I'm arguing here; they aren't. You know why? They never have challenged someone with a dissenting view who can debate as good as them. Therefore, consider themselves bulletproof until Penn & Teller call them up to the plate on an episode of Bullshit! The notion of Islam being a religion of peace is a faulty perception when the Qur'an advocates prejudice, cruelty, superstition, and murder (much like the Bible). Yet the leftists refuses to accept this reality even when Sam Harris has to spoon feed it to them. It's also funny when enviromental groups want everyday people like myself to live in shacks in the name of the enviroment; yet they won't give up their Rhode Island-sized mansions to live spartan in such places as Ruddock, LA since the denizens there stir up paranoia and generalizations not rooted in fact (just like their stupid disaster prophecies). Hell, they want to keep the third world piss poor by blocking mines in Romania, Madagascar, and Chile just because a Canadian corporation named Gabriel Resources is not run by a leftist. Because of that, the impoverished people in Africa and Chile have to cut down the jungle just to feed their families (smart move dipshits, forcing poor people to take down the surrounding forest in the name of saving the enviroment; talking about tarnished double haloes). When someone such as Steve Milloy digs up shit about their scare stories and says that their full of shit; they go apeshit. Now you (the reader) know why Patrick Moore left GreenPeace. The left thinks that government can do things better than private enterprise, yet that train of thought has been discredited worldwide. Businesses, unlike government, have every reason to compete with each other because that is how living standards are raised and individuals prosper. Then there's the other side of the spectrum; the religious right. I'm not just going to focus on one specific religion (christianity); rather I'm going after Islam and the Dalai Lama's sect of Bhuddism. The idea that Christianity is a religion that is in favor of peace, love, sanctity of life, etc. isn't what it is about. Islam is also guilty of this and it needs to be mentioned. First of all, Xtianity has been synonymous with murder, destruction, jingoism, hate, brutality, and superstition. Here's a short list of things that the word of Christ has been synonymous with:
Emperor Constantine killing off heretics
-The crusades and numerous other religious wars
-The Inquisitions
-The Salem witch trials
-The Holocaust (Hitler and most of the Nazis were Catholic)
-The AIDS Epidemic Exploitation
Throw in Mother Teresa's order which kept the have-nots in squalor and with body counts like that; it's no wonder why that religion has a nasty stigma. As for the Native American wars and the Africa conquests; here's some things that are also disturbing yet true:
-The Native Americans have been fighting and killing each other long before European settlers set foot.
-Slavery has been in Africa since ancient times.
It may be ridiculous at first glance, but there is evidence that supports those facts. Then there's Islam and it's rampant fanaticism. It's astonishing that many of the Iraq war supporters ignore the fact that this war has given the fanatics a justification for their cause. Yet they still want our troops there just because of the progress we have made so far (which isn't saying much). Islam's history hasn't been pleasant, but they haven't cleaned up their act for fear of violating Islamic law. Truth be told, I have a few friends who are muslims; and so far no problems. Just what are the chances of finding Muslim terrorist cells in the likes of Slidell, Montgomery, Wichita, Salt Lake City, Boise, Pierre, Fargo, North Platt, or Jackson? Slim to none, when compared to the Eco-terrorists or Xtian Zealots. Speaking of terrorists, laws that were intended to stop terrorists (ie The PATRIOT Act) have caught next to no terrorists, and at the same time wasted taxpayer money, gave preditory/corrupt Federal agents another excuse to raid people's homes, and gave conspiracy theorists another justification for their cause.