Daniel Mitchell on the Minimum Wage:
http://danieljmitchell.wordpress.com/2 011/07/02/funny-but-sad-look-at-how-th e-minimum-wage-destroys-opportunity/
And lots of suckers support this shit because...
Daniel Mitchell on Europe's financial crisis:
http://danieljmitchell.wordpress.com/2 010/07/29/europe-is-royally-and-americ a-may-be-next/
This illustrates why entitlement programs to more harm than good.
Junk Science on Chris Christie's weight:
http://junkscience.com/2011/09/30/is-c hristie-too-fat-to-be-president/
Now, I'm not a supporter of either party, but his waistline should not be a reason to discriminate.
Cato @ Liberty-Government at war with itself:
http://www.cato-at-liberty.org/governm ent-at-war-with-itself/
And now we know why Louisiana's wetlands are eroding at such a disturbing rate.
ConceptArt.org's Animation threads:
Smashed Pumpkin
Pablo Leon
Mighty Applejacks
Yes, very random. Have a nice day :)