Here's some stuff based off of Touhou Project that I found on YouTube:
Touhou Ouendan (Cheering Squad)
Here's a neat little music video with a kick ass song playing with it. To be honest, many of the characters in this look adorable (especially Koishi Komeiji). However, the 3D and Particle effects look out of place similar to an average episode of South Park that was made after the movie.
Chen's Gensokyo March
Another great music video that involves one of Yukari's Shikigami.
Convictor Yamaxanadu
One of the best examples of industrial metal around.
Rampaging Sakuya
One of the better Touhou flashes that wasn't made by Coffgirl. Plus, Remilia and Flandre's facial expressions are priceless.
Rampaging Flandre
The follow-up the aforementioned flash.
Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Lucky Star ed.
Now if only there were more Touhou-themed flashes that have actual effort put into them. (Read as: Not spam)
Lucid Dream
Looks like someone's been influenced by Xenith800's Music.