While reading reviews, I noticed the buttons to change pages are gone. Honestly, it's annoying and here's hoping the staff will fix this soon. Besides, it's a little side activity I do on here. Another thing worth mentioning is that I'm trying to figure out the effects plugins to LMMS, but haven't gotten the results I wanted. It isn't like FL Studio's effects plugins that have GUI. (Especially the EQ though I am starting to get the hang of it.) If there is anyone else on here who has more experience in using LMMS, help would be very appreciated. That and good, royalty-free percussion samples.
Update: I think I need to clarify on the first sentence by saying that it's the userpage review page buttons that are gone. In addition, voting on games no longer qualifies towards the daily five, which is very bizarre. Personally, those two issues needed to be brought up. Sorry for wasting everyone's valuable time.
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/justice511/madness-chaosbrewing?context=ratings:etma.user:3740776.scouted:.offset:1">http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/justice511/
madness-chaosbrewing?context=ratings:etma.user :3740776.scouted:.offset:1</a>