I have always been a fan of Evil Dave since I first discovered this site thirteen years ago, and it saddens me that there are far too few people who remember him and what he and Pirata Cobra did all those years ago. Truth is, his brand of raw, cynical crudeness is sorely needed these days.
Oh, and here's a Freeware Flash player for Amiga:
Ninja Burger, a fast food joint with a unique twist:
A really cool Drum & Bass group.
That archive link split in two, but yeah, I remember him! Not sure exactly what I remember him from, but the name rings a bell. I dove into all kinds of obscure historical collections and submissions when I arrived here, I imagine he was a part of it.
I have the Ninja Burger card game btw, creative fun. :)
Cool, and you're free to be on the look out for more stuff from me.