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Here's a really interesting game for the Sega Saturn game that appears to be a precursor to Strider 2 in terms of graphics.
Hardcore Gaming 101 article: http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/taromaru/taroma ru.htm
Other links:
http://hoodedutilitarian.com/2012/10/could-there -be-a-worst-comic-of-all-time/
http://oneofthejonesboys.wordpress.com/2012/05/2 3/there-really-is-no-accounting-for-taste/
http://www.tfarchive.com/fandom/features/transte ch/?dgallery=browse
http://prawkonj.republika.pl/harvest/games_downf all.html
Fun Fact: This game got rejected from Steam due to its disturbing content.
I'm planning on making a feature on New games for old systems; something that Tom and co. should consider.
Wow, you're level 60!
Yeah, and I plan on raising my level even higher.