It's been a long while since I listened to any new heavy metal rock, and as I said before, it's pretty fucking badass! Truth is, I'm not into reviewing music when compared to flash movies and art, but I know good Audio Portal music when I hear it. With that out of the way...
In terms of singing, it blows Francine Louise and Hania Lee out of the water. Even though the latter has something in terms of actual singing skills, almost all of her songs sound exactly the same. I was really into it and the lyrics were awesome! Plus, I like how you put in the original theme in there, and it also helps that I'm a fan of both of the N64 Banjo-Kazooie games. Then there's the instrumentation, which can make or break a song (check out TFX's songs to see what I mean). I mean, were those actual guitars and drums used? If not, I won't hold it against you because you're just one man. Plus, the composition and timing to the lyrics remind me of '80s metal meets GWAR. (I wish that there were more Gwar flash on here.)
What I do like:
-Cool lyrics
-Excellent singing
-Kickass instrumentation and composition
-Inclusion of the original theme song
What I don't like:
-Short, but if it were longer, that would ruin it.
Overall: Druox the Shredder, how would you like a ten for this?