A big improvement!
I think that you did a much better job than Space Wing. Designwise, the player crafts look much better, but they still are in need of improvement as far as looks. Enemy designs, on the other hand, are rather ugly (especially that tank-like enemy). I think that you need either one of two things:
1. A better machine designer.
2. Improve on your own design skills.
Also, have some scenery in the stages; flying around in space is repetitive. For your bosses, when they get weakened to the next phase; don't just have them change attack patterns, have some of the outer parts fly off. If you did that for your next space shooter, that would be great.
The music may not be something to win awards, but it isn't obnoxious or droll. I noticed that you used the stage clear theme from Blue Wish Resurrection; why didn't you credit x.x, the company behind it? I liked how you used sound effects from various independent computer games which need to be promoted more often. And now, the gameplay: It is just like the arcade games, only that you don't get killed as much on easy difficulty (something that bullet hell/DonPachi space shooters really need). You gave the player three ships instead of one, which is a plus; and I really liked that 1up bar as well. My only gripe is the lack of extra bomb powerups, which keeps this from being better than Metal Wrath.
What I like about this game:
-Ship Variety
-Decent music
-Good enemy attack patterns
-Good sound effects
-No Bugs
What I don't like about this game:
-Grammatical errors, you should have fixed them.
-Lack of level scenery/variety
-Ugly enemy design
-Graphics could have been better
Overall: In spite of it's flaws this game will get an eight out of ten.