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Shane @FightingSeraph

Age 40, Male

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FightingSeraph's News

Posted by FightingSeraph - November 24th, 2008

No, I don't use DeviantArt or SheezyArt (I avoid them as much as possible).

Here's the large version if you want to look.-Note: if it doesn't show on that page, head to the next one.

Plus, here's some Tekkaman Blade for you (I'm not embedding it):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hbc0Z8O ea9s

Art and whatnot.

Posted by FightingSeraph - November 16th, 2008

1. Ghost in the Shell: Even though Masamune Shirow is a great robot designer, I found this movie to be boring as hell. Sure the animation was nice, and one of the guys from the 80s sitcom Night Court did some of the voices; but this was about as entertaining as watching tumbleweed roll around.

2. Princess Mononoke: What's the big deal!? I find Hayao Miyazaki's stuff flat and hollow, and the fact this has gotten rave reviews over Who Framed Roger Rabbit? is just revolting. Sure it was violent, but so is Fist of the North Star (which was actually entertaining). I've seen better character development in the Gradius anime and a better plot in Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Killer Mutant Snowman.

3. Dogma: I blame the ending for this, but the rest of this movie was pretty damn dull. This is why I usually stay away from Kevin Smith's movies (although I did like Clerks and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back).

4. Transformers the Movie (1986): I know a lot of you will hate me for including this, but even though I did like it; it just wasn't very entertaining. As the Transformers, it suceeded; as a movie it failed miserably. Of course I blame the writers for that.

5. Shrek the Third: I liked the first two Shrek movies, but this was just awful. This is why I think that Shrek is a greedy, pointless franchise that exists to produce generic cash-in sequels. Even though I like Mike Myers and Eddie Murphy, this was just too much of the same.

6. X-Men 3: The Last Stand: David Hayter, who co-wrote these, stopped being cool after X2, and aside from Juggernaut; this was just boring as hell to watch. Throw in the fact that Jean Grey was no longer cool, and Wolverine is the most overused character of all the X-Men in the comics. At least they ended the X-Men films with this instead of making a fourth one.

7. Ferris Bueller's Day Off

8. Epic Movie: Even though I liked Scary Movie, this was droll and reeked of cash-in.

9. Young Frankenstein: I like Mel Brooks, but this film didn't live up the hype around it. I'll take Spaceballs or Robin Hood: Men in Tights any day.

10. The Simpsons Movie: Sure this had a few funny moments, but I'm siding with those who are tired of the Simpsons. Then again, Family Guy and Futurama aren't that better.

Posted by FightingSeraph - November 14th, 2008

Previous Datatrack

1. ZekeySpaceyLizard: I'm getting tired of his attitude towards NG and would like nothing more than for someone to make a flash game where you get to beat the living hell out of him. If he was really concerned about original Flash cartoons; then why doesn't he make more original cartoons? Hell, he took part in the Blamformers Collab, yet he is opposed to parodies. Talking about irony.

2. Seth MacFarlane: I don't really care for Family Guy or American Dad; but I do like Cavalcade of Comedy and I think he's a great voice actor & singer. The only problem with him is that he puts his jokes ahead of his stories.

3. Race-Baiting: I think that this is poinless, retarded, and just exists to make money. Race Baiting is how corruption gets exacerbated; and when you really think about it, doesn't contribute to anything. Hell, a former member of the NAACP once said this: "I can't wholeheartedly say that the African-American community deserves reparations, but I can tell you this: The Federal Government writes a check for 30,000 dollars for my desendency of Hattie Edgerton, I do not want that poverty pimp, Jesse Jackson, taking that and putting it in his pocket. It's a trick amongst my people and I'm sick and tired of that."

4. Terminator 4: I don't know if this is going to be good or bad, simply because it isn't complete yet. How are they going to finish it is beyond me since Stan Winston died a few months ago. I liked T2, but never really cared for T3. I'll stick with Total Recall for the moment (one of my favorite movies).

5. Big name actors in Flash movies: With the Waterman movie with Leslie Niesen, Parody Rangers 2 with various anime VAs (and good ones at that), and Broken Saints with David Kaye and Scott McNeil; Just how long will it be until we see Stick Slayer Ten with John "Spud" McConnell, Project I. V. vs Miss Dynamite with Pam Lauer and Jessica Calvello, Project Freetown: The Movie with Garry Chalk, or what not. I have no problem with this, but it's surprising that a few well-known film actors would want to team up with everyday people who make cartoons on their PCs.

6. Vulgarity in Flash Cartoons: I'm getting sick of people downrating movies just for having excessive swearing, sex, violence, etc. It's obnoxious and irritating. At least I take quality into consideration when it comes to voting and reviewing flash.

7. Oil: Why are certain people trying to wage war on oil? Are they so stupid, ignorant, and out of touch with reality? All the things you hear about alternative fuels is based on misinformation. Here's some things that I will elaborate on:
I: Most of our oil comes from friendly or neutral nations.
II: Ethanol is weaker than gasoline, and producing it is bad for the enviroment.
III: The part of ANWR that has the oil is just a tiny part of the entire reigion.
IV: At least 30 percent of the United States' Oil and Gas is refined in my home state of Louisiana.

8. Conservative Talk Radio: I think that these people are shrill, dogmatic, and annoying. They claim that they're for smaller government, freedom, and liberty while supporting laws that contradict those three things. Are the likes of Glenn Beck and Hugh Hewitt in denial or what? Then again, this sums up the liberal left and conspiracy theorists as well.

Posted by FightingSeraph - November 11th, 2008

I salute and respect the US military even though I don't support the war (I have friends who were or are still in the armed forces, so shove it). Just to make things clear, I am neither Liberal nor Conservative.

Update: Here are things I'd like people to see.

The Skeptic Wiki-I found this when I was reading some stuff in the JREF forum. While incomplete, it is worth your time if you want to learn stuff.

Mine Your Own Business-An informative, independent documentary about how enviromentalists are trying to keep people in Romania, Chile, and Madagascar from opening up mines because the enviromentalists think their lifestyles are quaint

Internet Movie Database's Bottom 100-Special thanks goes to RoG and I-Mockery for a reason to dick around on IMDB.

Posted by FightingSeraph - November 9th, 2008

For those who ignored my post on independent video games here's the link.

Space shooters, a type of video game that has been around since Space War and Nolan Bushnell's Computer Space. They have peaked around the late '70s to the early '80s and had a decent following during the late '80s and much of the '90s. While console space shooters are hard to find (this includes Live Arcade and Wii Ware), PC shmups are easier to find (thanks to Shoot The Core) and obtain. With that out of the way, I think that shmups are an untapped resource on NewGrounds. Hell, one of the first games made for this site was a horizontal shooter that didn't have a name until 2001-2002. While there are lots of ideas for space shooters, the execution is either hit or miss. One example being Space Wing, an attempt at a RayForce clone that suffered from being too slow, repetitive, and had cheap designs. That game, while decent, was a missed opportunity to prove that RayForce could be replicated in Flash. On the other hand, Metal Wrath was well-thought out, had great designs, smooth scaling and rotation, great level design, and had something different (it was right-to-left instead of left-to-right). Sure it used sprites (all of which were custom-made), and a recycled plot (the man versus machine gig is overused); yet it was fun to play.
While actual space shooters are relatively common, movies based on them are hard to find. The most notable one is TFX' Zero Wing cartoon that was made seven years ago. While I would like to see more original Flash cartoons here, that doesn't mean I'm going to downrate a parody of Gradius, R-Type, Darius, Einhander, or what have you. I vote on the actual quality of a Flash cartoon rather than it being video game themed.
One more thing: Buy Space Invaders Extreme damn it!.

Posted by FightingSeraph - November 7th, 2008

It's funny that all of the people who support Obama have a tendency to ignore any facts that they may find hard to swallow. So here's a quick list of why Obama is four more years of Bush:

Bush: Supported government involvement in education.
Obama: Supports government involvement in education.

Bush: Supported Medicare and Medicaid.
Obama: Supports Medicare and Medicaid.

Bush: Supported more government spending and regulation.
Obama: Supports more government spending and regulation.

Bush: Supported the Wall Street Bailout.
Obama: Supports the Wall Street Bailout.

Bush: Supported the War on Terror.
Obama: Supports the War on Terror.

Bush: Broke all the promises he made when he was first elected president.
Obama: Broke all the promises he made when he was first elected senator.

Bush: In favor of nominating biased supreme court justices.
Obama: In favor of nominating biased supreme court justices.

That's all there is to it and a bumper sticker from cafepress.com sums him up well:
"Obama '08: Get disappointed by someone new."
Don't take my word for it, just head to the Cato Institute for an in-depth look at what I just said.

Posted by FightingSeraph - November 3rd, 2008

Here's a little something I'd like to share with you:

The KKK was founded by a Democrat while the ban on DDT was authorized by a Republican.

Albert Einstein married his own cousin, as did Rudy Giuilani.

Aside from Garry Chalk's stint in the X-Files; Matt Hill (from Captain N and Dragon Booster), Jim Byrnes (from War Planets and the stateside Mega Man toon), and Alessandro Juliani have done on-screen acting.

Rush Limbaugh, Silvia Browne, Johnnie Haymer, Gregg Berger, and Marshall "Eminem" Mathers are all from Missouri.

Most of the FEMA claims filed come from North Dakota.

Masturbation stimulates the immune system, relieves menstrual cramps (along with stress and migranes), and reduces a man's chances of getting prostate cancer.

Mahatma Gandhi had a racial hatred of Black People, had sex with girls, beat his own wife, and was a misogynist.

Star Trek's Leonard Nimoy used to have a drinking problem.

Painful Questions author Eric Hufschmid is a Holocaust Denier.

Akira Toriyama's inspiration behind the Dragon Ball series were the novel Journey to the West and Jackie Chan films.

Adolf Hitler was Catholic and, ironically, a socialist. Plus, his personal physician invented lethal injection.

Walt Disney used to do political satire before he did Steamboat Willie in 1928.

David Hayter starred in both of the Guyver movies before he did the voice of Solid Snake.

The first female Vice-presidential candidate was Theodora "Tonie" Nathan.

Verne Troyer from Austin Powers and Lex Lang from Fist of the North Star used to be in Masked Rider.

Barack Obama voted for the Wall Street bailout, anti-terror legislation, and the troop surges in Afganistan and Iraq. To be fair, McCain voted for the aforementioned.

The probability of getting a sexually transmitted disease without protection: One in 500.
The probability of getting a sexually transmitted disease with protection: One in 500 million.

When compared to most democrats in congress, William Jefferson is conservative.

Superman's creators were Jewish.

The first Islamic Schism took place in 658 AD.

Fred Phelps used to be a civil rights lawyer.

Israel has had only one execution throughout its entire history: that of the nazi Adolf Eichmann.

Posted by FightingSeraph - October 30th, 2008

Previous Datatrack

1. Ronald Reagan: I have mixed feelings towards this actor turned president. I am SICK of Conservatives worshipping him; and I am SICK of Liberals/Leftists trashing him incessantly. Here's some things that many don't know:
I. Reagan cut taxes and ended subsidy programs during his first term in office.
II. Reagan supported Saddam Hussein until he decided to invade Kuwait.
III. Reagan ran deficits and expanded the size of government.

2. Nintendo DSi: I already have the original model DS, and probably don't need the newest model. On the other hand, they improved the internet browser from the Opera browser and has a built-in camera. So far, I'll pass for a good reason.

3. The James Randi Educational Foundation: I'd wish more people here would sign up here and head to their forums. In case you don't know, James Randi is one of the great debunkers who used to be a magician years ago. If you do join their forums, don't run away crying when they trounce you in a debate. If you want the link, it's Randi.org. Plus, I love anything that makes those conspiracy assholes shit their pants when they see a documentary from the JREF forums.

4. Chemical Scares: I'm getting sick of these damned scare stories and I'd wish that the peckers who hype them to hell would just shut the fuck up. The vast majority of these chemical scares are proven wrong and yet those who came up with the scare keep making money. It shows how Junk Science gets a bunch of bullshitters a lot of cash. Some people just need a good old punch in the nuts to keep them in line.

5. Czech physicist Lubosh Motl: Here's another amazing find that a lot of people would either approve or scream in volitile anger: http://motls.blogspot.com/2008/10/foun ding-fathers-on-redistribution-of.html
This man has seen how bad it was in Communist-bloc Europe, and now he has some quotes from the founding fathers on wealth redistribution.

6. Neal Boortz: I disagree with him on the Iraq war, and I know about him writing speeches for a racist governor. However, I agree with a vast majority of his views and would rather have him as president over McCain or Obama. At least he doesn't get himself addicted to painkillers like America's Anchorman.

7. Recycling: I used to recycle, but quit three-and-a-half years ago because it didn't really contribute to anything. Added to that are the following:
I. The United States has enough landfill space for shitloads of garbage.
II. In most cases, It takes more energy to recycle than it is to make something new from scratch.
III. Recycling is subsidized because it is cost ineffective.
IV. While there is real money in recycling metal, it isn't being used enough to be worth it.
V. In addition to the wasted energy, recycling is also bad for the enviroment.

8. Kennedy and Landrieu: You probably don't know these people, but Mary Landrieu is one of Louisiana's two senators who needs to leave; while John Kennedy (not to be confused with the Presdient JFK) is Louisiana State Treasurer who has a 37,500 dollar campaign debt from his Treasury campaign re-election. Why vote for either one while you can vote Libertarian instead?

Posted by FightingSeraph - October 27th, 2008

Here's one thing that a lot of people are upset about, and that is Flash Video. On one hand, you have people who downrate these for just being video and not on the content quality. On the other hand, you have people who have no problem with the video aspect and judge the video on its content. Suffice to say, I am a part of the latter. From what I have heard, there is no anti-video rule on NG; and it disgusts me that many users demonize these regardless of the content. Sure I may agree with them that the focus of Newgrounds should be cartoons, but demonizing users who upload flash videos is unnecissary and counter-productive.

However, I usually stay clear of parody dubs because of Transformers Bastardized, which was just an over-extended bad joke. Doomhammr's videos, on the other hand, are actually worth watching even though the acting and choreography could be much better. I could rant about the aforementioned users uploading these to YouTube, Veoh, DailyMotion, etc., but I'm not in the mood to.

Posted by FightingSeraph - October 26th, 2008

I'm putting off the next Things on my Mind for a while, but here's another of my lists. This one deals with Flash cartoon series that I'm getting sick of.

1. Miss Dynamite: I think that Sirkowski should have quit after Ep. 16 (XVI) and started a new series. Why? Firstly, idiotic plotlines with equally insipid background gags. Nothing says ingenious more than Eva and Blackie getting chased by a generic redneck in a part of the country that the creator knows little about. Second, annoying voice acting. I had no problem with Rina-Chan and Mizura four years ago, but their takes on Eva and Blackie sound unconvincing when compared to Sharem Ma'ten. Plus, the former are now stale and over-exposed. I could go on about this for much longer, but I don't want to bore the readers to death.

2. Neurotically Yours: Even though I still watch these, and I agree with many of the points Foamy makes. However, most of the shorts made after Cow-moflage are boring and reek of generic cash-in. Then again, it beats watching the Daily Show.

3. Awesome: To be honest, I find many of these funny and think that Egoraptor is one of this site's better VAs. That doesn't mean that I'm letting his cartoons off the hook. Two of the remakes made for the cancelled DVD weren't funny (as in Awesome Crossing and Center), and all of the fanmade ones are pointless/bad. Awesome Video Games, on the other hand, I usually stay away from and not because it's video. I steer clear due to it reeking of "greed" (existing to get votes and generic cash-in sequels).

4. The George Bush Show: I don't like Bush myself, but these cartoons are just plain old uncreative and biased. Plus, this anecdote from Andrew Dickman further sums this series up: "What would happen if the world ended in peace and no one gave a crap about race, religion, sex, etc.?"

5. Project Inthri: This is another series I enjoy, but the characters and whatnot could be re-drawn. I like Rhete as a programmer and a storyteller; as an artist, he leaves a lot to be desired.