libertarians-accuse-obama-of-hawkish-f oreign-policy
Here it is, and just in time for Xmas and Hanukkah.
I've been on here for over a decade and have a high level, so fucking what? Regarding my MSN and Trillian accounts: Request to be added.
Age 40, Male
Need a new one.
Slidell, Louisiana
Joined on 5/25/01
Posted by FightingSeraph - December 22nd, 2008
libertarians-accuse-obama-of-hawkish-f oreign-policy
Here it is, and just in time for Xmas and Hanukkah.
Posted by FightingSeraph - December 19th, 2008
1. Twelve-year-old jokes: If you think that poking fun at middle-schoolers is funny, then it's pretty obvious that you are uncreative. These kinds of jokes are for the douche bags with creativity as bad as most webcomics.
2. Bush Bashing: I don't like Bush myself as well as his domestic and foreign policies. However, the vast majority of cartoons that trash Bush on this site are pretty damned moronic regardless of animation quality, although YAAFM 13 was a very rare fluke. And how come it's ok to trash Bush, but not Obama, Canada, Europe, Australia, etc.
3. Joss Whedon's TV shows: Every time he comes up with a new TV show (or movie in some cases), it almost always gets rave reviews regardless of how long it lasts. Here's hoping that Maddox does something about Whedon sometime.
4. Internet Conspiracy Videos: I think that this conspiracy crap is insipid and should fade away like the waste of time that it is. What's even worse that many of the sources cited in these videos happen to specialize in Holocaust Denial.
5. Global Warming Hysteria: Why are people wasting time on something that has been going on since there was water on the Earth while they can be focusing their efforts on a real enviromental problem: Coastal Erosion. Hell, many of these enviromentalists refuse to do something about coastal erosion because they hate people. I say enough is enough, focus on something else that hasn't been going on for billions of years.
6. Studio Ghibli movies: I didn't like Princess Mononoke, Castle in the Sky, Kiki's Delivery Service, or Grave of the Fireflies. Besides, Kaori Yuki is a far better storyteller than Hayao Miyazaki.
7. Mancow and his co-hosts: I used to like this guy when he was on Penn & Teller: Bullshit!, but after listening to this guy's show for weeks on end; I realized that this guy is shrill, obnoxious, and pretty damned dogmatic. His co-hosts are a couple of morons who have no damned clue, and many of his guests would make the legally insane look sane.
8. Alternative Medicine: I think that this form of medicine is just plain bullshit. Here's something about it that would make most people retch and gag: 08/12/innocent-children-and-most-vulne rable.html
That's all for now.
Posted by FightingSeraph - December 16th, 2008
Here's the latest thing I drew in photoshop. No, I won't post it in the forum (I rarely use the them).
Posted by FightingSeraph - December 13th, 2008
I think it's time that Tom, Wade, Stamper, JohnnyUtah, EvilDave, and/or myself brought back what made Newgrounds famous in the first place: Assassin, the section that let you watch famous celebs get wasted in various (often violent) ways. It's been a year since the last assassin related game was submitted here, and I think it's time to bring it back.
1. Michael Moore: Why not? If it's ok to trash Bush then why not subject him to the same level of derision. How? I think that Moore should have an abortion performed on him by Neal Boortz involving dynamite.
2. Laura Ingraham: To be fair, there should be a game that subjects her as well. The method is classified, but with the things she says; the way should be rather bloody and Ironic.
3. The Angry Nintendo Nerd: I usually stay clear of his videos, and think he should be dispatched with something appropriate.
4. Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert: If it's ok to trash Dave Chappelle and Carlos Mencia, then I say that these two overrated comedians are fair game.
5. Green Day: I never liked these guys and don't know why they're popular. Then again, they got their just desserts in the Simpsons Movie.
Posted by FightingSeraph - December 11th, 2008
It was the second time it snowed here in South Louisiana this decade (the last time was Christmas 2004) and it wasn't anything too serious. Just a couple of closed down highways around Chalmette, the West Bank, New Orleans East, and Tangipahoa. Too bad I didn't take any pictures while it lasted.
Second, Christmas party at Visions Men's Club. I got to go there a few months ago and I fucking loved it. Hell, I got to grab some titty there (the dancers let me). For those in South Louisiana who are over 18, this will take place tomorrow and friday of next week.
This weekend is the art walk at old town Covington. Why is it so special? One, there's an art supply store, a knife shop next door to it, and a general store that looked like it came out of a Spaghetti Western across the street that the art supply store is on. Two, something for me to do other than work. Three, the artists there are very talented, including radio host Garland Robinette.
Posted by FightingSeraph - December 7th, 2008
Martin Durkin on Foreign Aid
The man behind The Great Global Warming Swindle has something to say about government aid, and it's bound to shock and enlighten.
Sandy Szwarc: Water is not healthy for Babies
So much for that Eight Glasses a Day bullshit.
Holocaust Denial within 9-11-01 conspiracy movement
I Love it when someone digs up shit about these assholes.
That's all for now, I'm going to draw some more stuff.
Posted by FightingSeraph - December 4th, 2008
1. Bogleech: Here's one guy who's non-flash stuff is just as enjoyable as his Fear Hole cartoons. Thanks to him, I found quite a few Super NES games that were never released stateside and are pretty much unknown. Not to mention his biology related stuff makes for some interesting stuff. Don't know what I'm talking about, just visit his website.
2. Mozilla: What's with the hype? Every time when they release a new version of Firefox or Thunderbird; lots of people consider either one the best things to happen to computers since the graphics tablet. However, when either one of those programs screws up on their behalf; various Mozilla users end up switching back to IE or Opera.
3. Jews: Why are people trashing the Jews, but not other small nationalities such as the Welsh, Belgians, Koreans, Mongolians, Maori people of New Zealand, etc. It's just like Goth-bashing; idiotic, tired, annoying, distasteful, and uncreative. And this is coming from an Atheist Libertarian.
4. Banjo-Kazooie: I loved playing the N64 games, and the Live Arcade re-releases are one of the few reasons to get an X360 that aren't related to Bayonetta or Gears of War. However, I don't like how they made Banjo and Mumbo cubic, the original designs are perfectly fine. Not to mention that they could get actual voices for the game instead of the original pseudo-voice effects for the X360 (seeing that the X360 uses DVD-Rom).
5. Che Guevarra Posters: Revolutionary my ass, the man was a mass-murderer and a poverty pimp. The things that man got away with would make any rational, sensible person recoil with disgust. I commend the Venezuelans who destroyed a Guevara monument.
6. Alvin-Earthworm: I know a lot of you peckers hate this guy for making sprite flash. So what? At least he can put together some entertaining action scenes, and he's a good 3d modeler to boot. On the other had, his jokes really suck. Besides, videogame spoofs have been around since Space Invaders was first released in 1978.
7. Marvel Comics: Even though I laud Stan Lee and Jack Kirby for breaking the comic mould, and like many of their characters; Marvel has pretty much gone off the deep end with House of M, Civil War, Brian Michael Bendis, Rob Liefeld, and the assloads of bone-headed fuck-ups that are too numerous to mention. At least Iron Man kicked major ass and I'm looking foward to the sequel.
8. Happy Tree Friends: It's too bad that Mondo Media doesn't submit their HTF cartoons here anymore, but at least it's like the old 30s to 50s Disney/Warner/MGM stuff; only done on a couple of computers and really violent. Sure there's Mondo Media's other stuff, but that just wasn't meant for YouTube. Here's hoping that it doesn't become too big, too fast.
Posted by FightingSeraph - December 2nd, 2008 -message-to-obama
I just had to share this because I love seeing people shit themselves when somebody tears up their sacred cows. In case you have not noticed, I'm Libertarian. If you don't know what that means, it's neither Liberal nor Conservative.
Posted by FightingSeraph - November 27th, 2008
I've already done Princess Mononoke and Ghost in the Shell, so I won't add them here. However, there are anime that I didn't like and need to be mentioned.
1. Tengen Toppa Gurin Lagann: One of my friends on MSN (which is better than AIM I might add) said that I need to see this. I did and it wasn't very good; and after watching fifteen episodes, I had to quit. It was repetitive, the characters were either annoying (Kamina) or useless (Yoko). In other words, just like F-Zero GP Legend with original characters and giant robots.
2. Neon Genesis Evangelion: Although I liked the suit and character designs (as in the EVAs); this was just boring to watch. Sure it had the likes of Jessica Calvello, but there are better shows for her to be on.
3. Chrono Crusade: At first, I liked it. Then I watched more of it and its story started to get obnoxious as well as convoluted; and the characters got annoying. I don't care if it had Brett Weaver and Tiffany Grant (who were also in New Cutey Honey) doing several of the characters, especially when the weakest links were Rosette, Chrono, and Azmaria. I'll give it credit for having great animation, but that's pretty much it.
4. X: I'll give it credit for being bloody, but this movie was convoluted in terms of plot. I'd rather watch the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon over this any day.
5. Lucky Star: I've seen only one episode of this, but this is boring as hell.
6: Dokuro-Chan: This sums this one up quite well:
Dokuro: "Sakura-Kun! I'm going to kill you for no reason" *Whacks him on the head with a spiked baseball bat.*
Random girl in class: "Sakura, I'm going to label you a pedophile without anything to back up my claim."
Sabato: "Sakura-Kun, I'll hunt you down with an overpowered cattle prod!" *Trips and aforementioned cattle prod takes out Sabato herself.*
Regarding Cowboy Bebop and Lupin the Third: I'll give them credit for animation quality, but the hype these franchises have been generating is sickening. For that reason, I avoid them as much as possible.
Happy Thanksgiving Newgrounds!!!
Posted by FightingSeraph - November 26th, 2008
1. Tool of the System: I am not doing this because I think his cartoons suck (I enjoyed them). However, I've read his reviews and it's ironic that he thinks that "cursing and sex pander to prepubes" while he used clips of Ren and Stimpy, a tv show that has cursing and sex, in two of his cartoons. It's pretty hypocritical when you really think about it.
2. Gears of War: Even though I would like to play this and the sequel, don't you think that it has become too big too fast? Then again, there are lots of things that ended up that way.
3. Arrested Development (TV Series): Even though I like David Cross as a comedian, the hype this sitcom recieved is just pukeworthy. I haven't seen the show myself, but the fanbase is just distasteful and a little bit nasty to those who disagree with them on the show itself. And If Fox didn't cancel it, it just would end up like the Simpsons and MadTV.
4. Deviant Art: I think that this site and it's competitors are nothing more than dumping grounds. The vast majority of its userbase is just anime/anthropomorphic crap (I hate it when "furry" is used in that context), and its admins are corrupt from what I heard from Sirkowski. Even though many of the people I know use this, I avoid this site as much as I can like crappy conspiracy videos. However, there are quite a few good artists there, but for every one of them; there's at least five or six crappy ones.
5. Not Evil, Just Wrong: I'm plugging this as much I can, because I want to see something like this in theaters. I want people to check this and Mine your own business to see what the enviromental movement is really doing.
6. Doomhammr: I remember playing his Uniwar game eight years ago, and he has some great stuff in recent times. I plan on getting his Uniwar novel when it finally released and wouldn't mind collaborating with him sometime.
7. Movie remakes: I know that a lot of people are getting sick of these, but Hollywood is damn near out of ideas; and can't think of anything else other than remakes, sequels, and adaptations. I would like more original films, but that won't stop me from seeing a new take on an old film or what not. Sure, many of them are shit, but many of them aren't. Besides, there are a fair share of original movies that sucked major ass.
8. About this series of rants: Why do I do these? Simply because I can and want to do these. There's so much stuff out there that I just can't help but say what I have to say. Is that too much to understand?