
265 Movie Reviews

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Judging from what you said to Rocket-Scientist; I suggest that you consider downgrading to an older version of Flash, such as MX (2004) if you're using CS3+ and are having technical problems. Keep that in mind when you make any more cartoons as it will save a lot of time and frustration.

In terms of graphics, it may not be the best animated thing I have seen, but the style used is fresh, which is saying quite a bit.
Sound: The music fits and so did the voices, but the latter could have been done better.
Content: It's original, and that has some merit. However, I think that your joke delivery/timing could use a bit of work. Plus, a preloader would have been nice, but I'm willing to bet that you weren't able to use one due to technical problems.

-Nice art style
-Fitting music
-Something different

-The voice acting, while not bad, could have been done better.
-Could have used a preloader, along with better joke delivery.

Overall: I'm going to be fair and give you a seven.

ToliveAnimations responds:

Thanks very much for the review. I shall bear that in mind (using older versions of flash) as I'm using the CS5 version.
If it wasn't for my major cock-ups, this would have been quite a bit longer, but it is going to be split into different parts now if I can indeed be arsed.


I did not expect a musician such as yourself--let alone Cross 666 and Xarnor--to be contributing to flash animation. Personally, I don't upload animation test onto the Portal, but I'm not going to hold that against you.

Visuals: This felt like one of those really old animations that draw themselves crossed with an old vector game. I also like the perspective and composition that was also used in this, which is something that is coming from somebody who knows jack shit about the latter. Plus, I liked how you colored the sky, but the bushes were badly shaded. (You should study the some Super NES RPG graphics to see how it's done.)
Music: There aren't any sound effects, but it didn't need any. However, the music used was a perfect fit; even though we don't know if you or someone else made it. The only major gripe is that it doesn't end after the animation ends, you should have streamed it rather than setting it to event.
Content: Original, I'll give it that, and it doesn't try to be something that it's not. However, something like this shouldn't be over seven megabytes, which I have a problem with.

What I do like:
-Nice style
-Great music
-Good art and animation

What I don't like:
-Needlessly huge filesize
-The music doesn't stop when the movie ends.
-The bushes are badly shaded.

Overall: Here's an eight from me Box-Killa, and keep practicing.

Entertaining if I do say so.

Even though I haven't seen the original flashes; that will not affect my overall critique.

Animation: You did a great job on the backgrounds, weapons, and some clever usage of gradients. However, the first time we see the characters, they look like a step up from the sticks that were used through out the rest of the movie. Not to mention that that very first part could have been better animated. Now, I don't have a problem with stickmen as long as the movie is good, but I would like to see something like this with fully-drawn characters like the ones used in the preloader animation. In addition, cut down on the blur effects (the more that they are used, the more they make older computers lag).
Sound: You have a nice collection of sound effects, and the music you chose was sufficient, but I think you should get some music from the Audio Portal next time. (Try Xarnor, Xenogenocide, and Nemesis Theory's Show No Tears)
Content: I really dig the fights, but they could have been more creative in terms of attacks, angles, and what not. However, I still do see much potential from you in terms of direction. The story, while not bad in premise, is pretty trite and I think you could look to other flash series for inspiration. (Examples: Keegan's Truck Chronicles Ep. 1 or the Dual Arms series.)

What I do like:
-Solid direction and choreography
-Above-average art and animation
-Interesting plot premise
-Good sound selection

-Not very original
-Could have used more fitting music

Overall: Here's your eight out of ten, and I look forward to you improving.

ToxicAcid responds:

thank you so much for your solid critic Seraph. yes i agree the sounds you recomended from flash audio portal cause it will boost originality in NG as well.
thnx for the plus points in your comment and the negetive ones il keep in mind and work on it.


I'm going to be honest with you guys.

While the first episode of this series was riotously funny, the installments that followed became really tame and boring. Look, I know what you two and your fans will get bent out of shape upon reading this, but Sirus1 is right. Here's my thoughts...

In terms of art and animation, it's still top notch and the scene variety is excellent. However, I would suggest that you go easy on the filters; the more blur/glow/bevel effects used equals more processing power required to render them without lagging really badly. On the other hand, I like how you depicted hell here. When it comes to sound, the voices are still great and the music was fitting, but unfortunately, this is where the good ends and bad begins. Contentwise, this was just droll and uncaptivating. I mean, this is almost as banal as Miss Dynamite 17-24 and all three of the Brawl Taunts cartoons. Look, if you're going have Satan in a comedy; you could have had him and Leo do something downright evil like Rats on Cocaine. The reason why the first episode was funny was Satan going into psychotic spaz attacks, whereas what followed felt extremely watered down. Of course, you tried to bring it back in this one only for it to come off as contrived.

-Great art and animation
-Great music and voice acting
-Original to an extent
-The way you depicted hell and those down there was nifty.

-Unfunny, I mean the humor in this comes off as forced.
-Could have been more evil at times.

Overall: Oney, unlike you, I'm going to be fair and give you and Sean a six out of ten. Hopefully, you'll take my advice for any future episodes.

Oney responds:

You're coming off like I don't like taking criticism... I'm glad you've given me points to improve on, don't assume I can't take them into consideration.

This is even better than the last one!

Chris, this is easily your best music video, and definitely worthy of the number one spot on the top fifty. Personally, I think a lot of people should be learning from you on how to make something of exceptional quality. Ass-kissing aside, I'm going to review this pile of platinum.

In terms of art and animation, this even better than the last one with the scenery in this. Truth is, there's nothing that I can complain about the visuals, and you managed to make the subtitles more legible. A major plus in my book. In terms of music, I fucking love it! The instrumentation, lyrics, melody, and you had Gooseman join in the middle. Then there's the content, the direction of this praiseworthy, and plus you are a man of great creativity. As said before, tons of people on NG ought to study this rigorously if they want to make kick ass flash.

What I do like:
-Great music
-A+ Direction
-Top Notch animation
-Creative scenery
-Passable filesize

What I don't like:
-Gets repetitive

Overall: This is, by far, the best music video on this site. Here's a perfect ten from me to you.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

thanks v much!
i have been fretting about whether it would stack up to the first one so its great to hear that some people at least think its better!

Here's what I think.

While I am all for original content on Newgrounds, this is in need of major improvements.

When it comes to the art and animation, both this and the previous episode have a nice style akin to a newspaper comic. However, aside from the hands, the character animation was stiff and lifeless aside from the lip sync. I would recommend that you study animation layouts and frame-by-frame for a bit. On the other hand, I am very appreciative of somebody who in-betweens the lip sync. Soundwise, the sound effects weren't great, but got the point across. Unfortunately, the voice acting needs some emotion behind those lines; might I suggest that you get a voice director. That, and the voices didn't sync up to the mouth flaps. Plus, some background music would be nice. Then there's the content, while original, is nothing to recommend to one's friends. Sure there's some interesting shots, but the agonizingly slow pace hurt what could have been something top notch. Therefore, I would also recommend that you team up with a co-director/co-writer.

What I like:
-Interesting premise
-Neat art style
-Something different
-Fitting sound effects
-Nice angle selection

What I don't like:
-Poor pacing
-Bad voice acting
-Slapdash script
-Could have used some music.

Overall: This may be a bit abrasive, but I thought that it was needed. Here's a six and hopefully you'll take my advice.

Magnificent as always!

I'm surprised that your stuff isn't rated higher, CG. Sure this may have been based off of Lovecraft, but considering that H. P. Lovecraft is an underused subject on here; I'm not going to whine. Instead, I'm going to explain to why I loved this...

In terms of art and animation: It may look similar to Em Kaah, David Firth, or Waldemar P. Schuur; but still has your distinct touch to it. The frame-by-frame was excellent and I loved the part that looked like an old vector game. Plus, your backgrounds are really spiffy.
In terms of sound: I appreciate the non-use of sound effects, and your music selection is top-notch. However, I would recommend that you check out the Audio Portal unless those songs were from there. And this is coming from somebody who doesn't have a problem with music used from one's CD/MP3 collection.
In terms of content: This was better than that other Black Book cartoon, and that was a rather bad comedy. The pacing was excellent, shots well selected, and the overall direction that is just praiseworthy. Of course, it may not be as elaborate as the original story, but it's just as effective.

What I like:
-Underused subject
-Excellent art and animation
-Great music selection
-Top notch direction

What I didn't like:
-Could have been a bit more atmospheric.

Overall: Here's a nine out of ten from me to you.

That was pretty funny and catchy!

Jeremy, I never expected you--of Sloth TV fame--to make something so minimalistic and hilarious out of a YouTube video. Most of the time, when a fad gets started on YouTube, it becomes nauseatingly bad (YouTube Poop for example). However, I did enjoy this little gem that originated from there. Aside from that, I'll give my two cents...

Visuals: I like how Bob, the dead woman, and the guitar were drawn in this considering the minimalist graphics this had, and the lip sync was above average. However, the guitar playing animation was jerky, but something like that is hard as hell to make it look good.
Sound: The guitar solo was quite nice and I also liked the vocals as well. They may not be up to par with Evil-Dog, Druox the Shredder, or Xarnor; but that would defeat the point of this.
Content: For a novel concept, I found this to be pretty funny at times. Unfortunately, it tended to drag at times due to the spartan graphics. Of course, this didn't need to be like the Stick Slayer, but a change of scenery or a different angle could have helped.

What I liked:
-Novel idea
-Nice drawings for something that's bare bones
-Funny and catchy
-Good guitar solo

What I didn't like:
-Tended to get redundant
-The guitar animation was jerky and could have used a bit of easing.

Overall: It may not be your best submission, but I still enjoyed this regardless of that. Here's a nine from me to you.

JeremyLokken responds:

Thanks old NGer! My apologies that I didn't credit the musician more clearer. The song was not by me, but by another guy who parodied the original song, so I'm just offering something more interesting to look at than a youtube image. His name is Mike Bauer, "HeyMikeBauer" on youtube, a link at the end of the loooonnnnng flash video or in the NG credit section. A fair review, I will take it! Thanks again.

Highly underrated!

With a traditionally done, drawn-on-paper animation such as this one, of course a few mistakes will be made during production. However, I applaud the effort of such a submission when done right. Plus, I have no problem with people uploading video submissions on here as long as there is actual effort put into it. Now, let me get started...

In terms of art and animation, I really like the style used and the colors that were chosen. As for some of the pencil drawings being hard to see, which most have complained about: I suggest that you consider getting some fine-liner/multi-liner pens in which you would "ink" them akin to what was done throughout animation history. That way it will be much easier to see things next time if you ever made another of these. When it comes to the sound, I think that the music selection was a winner and enhanced the mood that you were aiming for. Even though I'm not into Aphex Twin, I won't hold that against you. Then there was the content, which blows Notorious* out of the water. I found this to be quite touching and the direction is excellent. (*=If you want examples of bad direction, try watching Cupid vs. Hate Demons or Lethal Injection.) The pace may be fast for something so dramatic, but that didn't affect the enjoyability of this one bit.

What I liked:
-The fact that you drew and colored this on paper.
-Nice tone, story, and direction.
-Clever use of Aphex Twin's music
-Great art and animtion.

What I did not like:
-The fact that flash zealots will trash this for being a video submission.
-Aside from a few drawing/animation errors, I think you could have used a fine-liner/multi-liner pen to make it easier to make out. On the other hand, that would have lengthened production time.

Overall: Oscar, how would you like a ten from me?

OscarBaldwinStudio responds:

In a word, Epic. The nicest review I've ever gotten. Thanks so much :D I really want to make more cartoons like this actually. Been concentrating on Flash mostly at the moment but I'd like to combine the 2. Do some things that can only be done in Flash, print each frame, trace it and paint it on paper. I like the idea of containing changing textures within a solid form. My ultimate aim in animation is to combine all the different styles of animation to make something that looks new. Thanks man, very encouraging :D

I've been on here for over a decade and have a high level, so fucking what? Regarding my MSN and Trillian accounts: Request to be added.

Shane @FightingSeraph

Age 40, Male

Need a new one.


Slidell, Louisiana

Joined on 5/25/01

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