A near god-like art piece...
...that looks like a pile of shit. Doug Sauncy, you have just proven that greatness doesn't come from the graphics, but the directing and story. Of course, you have made quite a bit of improvements in the drawings and animation, but more on that later. It's amazing that you manage to take something so shallow, simple, and silly into something deep, complex, and badass. (Hard to believe, but it's true) I think a lot of people on here could learn something from you and this exact movie. Plus, I like how you had your friends help with some parts of the production of this, even if they had little to do with the actual product. I also noticed that one Canadian actually liked this. It gives me hope that there are some people over there who are capable of taking a joke. There are so many people on this site today who shared Disney's notion that you have to have the best audio/visial quality or you'll get the shaft (examples: Rtil, Fawx, Zekey Spacey Lizard, Keicho, Arrogancy, Notorious, the list goes on and on). However, you took the Ralph Bakshi approach where you didn't care that the art/animation was good or bad, but wanted to make the story better. With that out of the way, on with the review...
Graphically, it's the same as the rest of the series, but you have improved considerably in this installment with multiple death animaitons, the foreshortening, and Yoshi Moshi Deborough Ho. Speaking of which, you put a lot of effort into that NINJA segment and nice use of 3D objects. By the way, which program did you use for the 3D door and throwing spike? I also noticed that you added mugshot variety to whoever was talking, a nice little detail I might add. This is another instance where someone took what flash was capable of and pushed it to the limit and then some. The music selection is also nice and they perfectly fit the parts that were used. Plus, you had a good sound effect variety going on as well. Then there's your directing skills, which would give even big-name Hollywood studios a run for their money. My favorite part would have to be where the Frenchman shoots the pilot, causes the helecopter to crash, and uses the force from the explosion to launch himself at the wartruck. (I might have to use that in one of my own movies.) Plus, I liked those subtle references that were used in certain parts. One more thing, I definitely approve of how you are filling the gap between 5.2 and 5.3, something only a few series on here bother with. However, my only gripe with this is the lack of a replay/main menu button at the end.
What I like:
-The top-notch directing
-Great music selection
-Improved art and animation
-Nice sound effect variety
-The notes and Theater of Death
-New characters introduced
-The fact that you are filling in the gap between KT 5.2 and 5.3.
What I don't like:
-No replay/main menu button, you need to remedy that when you get the chance.
Overall: Doug, you have just earned a Ten out of ten for something that I have watched several times since the day you uploaded this almost four years ago. You have to finish this series as soon as possible, most of the NG audience demands it. Plus, you should consider teaming up with someone who lacks your directing and storytelling skills, but is better at drawing and animaiton.