
265 Movie Reviews

101 w/ Responses

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Fucking Funny!

I that you're still hacking away at animating, and it's nice to see another Goremaster cartoon. Reminds me of a similar character I came up with back in 2004, but I'm not accusing you and Luke of copying off of me. (Such a claim is baseless.) Now let's get started...

Graphics: The animation, while not the best, got the point across; which is fine in my book. However, Goremaster's anatomy is a bit awkward. I mean, his ears are placed too low on his head, and nipples are too far apart. May I recommend that you brush up on your anatomy? Plus, some scenes could have been better shaded. (E. G. The first instance of the Christmas tree.)
Music and sound: Great usage of Burn 7's music, and the voice acting was fucking excellent.
Content: You had very good direction with some very inventive deaths. It may not have a thick plot, but the ammount of humor in this made up for it. It was funny the whole time from beginning to end. Kudos for having Skullprince making a cameo at the end.

What I did like:
-Decent animation
-Great voice acting and music selection
-Original character

What I didn't like:
-Goremaster has some anatomy issues.

Overall: Here's a nine from me and keep at it.

Very nice.

To Greg (Zeedox): Great work on the direction, and it's nice of you to expand your horizons.

To Josiah (Jazza): This is the best thing that you have done.

To Reasoner: I normally don't check out the Audio Portal very often, but what you had was good.

Graphics: They were well-drawn with some clever usage of gradients, and the animation was for the most part, great. However, in one instance, that boy's arms looked rather seamy and when using tweened segments; don't out line the joints. In addition, don't go overkill on the filters since they can induce lag on slower computers and connections.
Music: The music was very fitting, and it was nice of Reasoner to let you use it. On the other hand, it wasn't as touching as The Star Song's.
Content: I really like what was done here. Zeedox, for a first-time director, I say that you have done an excellent job with some clever angle choices. Plus, while the story was trite, it was good enough to get the point across. The only problem with this is the filesize, but it was worth the wait.

-Great animation
-Clever use of gradients
-Nice music
-Adept direction

-Big filesize
-Could have used less filters

Overall: It's great, but not as great at The Star Song by GrannySmith. Here's a nine from me.

I think you outdid Harry Partridge with this one.

As much as I revere Harry's skills; your cartoon on the other hand, was actually funny. Plus, it's great that Pavel Zuk has collaborated with you. (I think Paragon X9, Elite Ferrex, and many other Audio Portal musicians should collaborate with people in the Flash Portal.) With that being said...

Graphics: Looks like someone's been hanging out with Lazy Muffin, but that's fine since it was incredibly well animated. Plus, you did an excellent job with the color selection and I think that more people should study color theory. Also worth mentioning is that you didn't use the Flash filters; a wise decision since they can cause lag if improperly used.
Sound: Although I'm not a fan of Rice Pirate, The voice acting was well done and Pavel's music was excellent.
Content: I usually ignore anything Elder Scrolls-related since I'm only familiar with Morrowind. However, you did an great job making fun of how open-ended it was though people are going to bitch at how random it felt. Plus, I thought it was pretty funny considering that this had actual jokes when compared with what Harry had done. (I think he's starting to become complacent, which isn't helping him as a cartoonist/entertainer. Of course, I don't intend this to be a Happy Harry Hazing just to warn any readers.) The only other problem with this is that it's just another ES5-spoof, and a semi-genuine one at that. If you decide to make fun of any other games, try the following:
-Star Ocean
-Tales of Phantasia
-Brain Lord
I mean, there may be so many VG flash beyond the point of oversaturation, but there is a lot of material that hasn't gotten any coverage in this site's history.

What's good:
-Great animation
-Great voices and music
-Funny and somewhat relevant
-Decent filesize

What's not-so-good:
-Could have been funnier
-A bit random, but due to the game's open-ended nature, that's to be expected.
-The fact that this is another video game spoof, but since this was good; I won't take off points.

Overall: Here's a ten for those involved.

This review covers both parts.

Juuso, Matti, I have to say that this is probably the best Bunnykill flash to date. Although, BK3 is still my favorite, this has some very inventive ideas that were superbly executed. Let's get started...

Graphics: A lot of people will scoff at this and say that this was tweened. However, I'm willing to bet that the character animation was individually keyframed like Episode 4. Regardless, this was pretty badass and I liked how you guys used scale tweening to simulate perspective. Plus, clever use of gradients for ceiling lights, great weapon design, and tile usage. However, many of your tiles didn't line up properly at times, and as a result looked seamy. You should pay attention to that for future projects. Plus, two of the screenshots in the flashback had the crosshair exposed, which I thought was a little bit jarring.
Music and Sound: Matti did an excellent job at the music for this, and the sound effects are great. Too bad he has trouble uploading the music onto the Audio Portal.
Content: Sure, it may have the kill everyone in your way formula like every other movie like this. However, You managed to include an explicitly stated story like the previous BK cartoons. The story in this one was cohesive, easy-to-follow (mainly due to your top-notch staging), and well boarded. (I'll also bet that you did this with just a storyboard just like old cartoons.) Juuso, your direction and pace is every bit as great as it was and I can hope that it will get better. Plus, you also did a great job on the dialogue.

What I did like about this:
-Great animation
-Top notch direction
-Splendid music
-Excellent choreography
-Good plot

What I didn't like:
-Some of the tiles didn't line up properly.
-Two of the screenshots weren't properly exported.

Overall: Juuso, Maksu, Matti, would you guys like a ten from me for having another consistently good series on here?

Mottis responds:


I was aware of the tiles not matching 100%, but as far as I know, the problem only exists if you use low quality. Also rarely on normal quality I guess. This is why I didn't see it as much of an issue. But I will look into making the tiles overlap a little more next time.

As for the cursor, that was just a plain oversight on my part. It's not even the cursor, but the middle part of the object i'm editing (In this case, the entire scene was an object) as flash marks it with a tiny cross. I simply didn't see it untill now. It's too much trouble to fix it atm though, so it will stay, at least for now.

Really not that good.

Chad, Mick, I'm going to be honest with you: most of the things that you two have done after Sixgun Space were pretty disappointing. While I may approve of doing something with your own characters, it doesn't make up for how generic and uninspired this is.

Graphics: I will admit that you have nice colors for this, but the art and animation are inconsistent in quality. Examples:
-Stiff looking walk cycles in contrast with the gestures: I mean, they have some nice poses, but their walk cycles have no real weight or secondary motion.
-Proportion mistakes: Sometimes the characters ears are too high, other times their arms are misproportioned.
In addition, I would also recommend that you cut back on the blur effects a bit. On the other hand, you do have excellent backgrounds. Therefore, I suggest you work on your weaknesses for a bit.
Sound: I may appreciate you getting music from the Audio Portal, but the songs you selected didn't really contribute to anything. Try xenith800, Xarnor, Solus Lunes, Bosa, Obsidian Snow, DJ Harlock/Cross 666 and Waterflame for fitting music. The sound effects were alright considering finding "free-to-use" sound effects that are as good as professionally made ones is not easy. However, the voice acting was just uninspired akin to Tome. They weren't very distinct, nor were they expressive. Plus, by including Rina-Chan in this, you're going to piss off her detractors.
Content: While you do have a nice space setting; the characters and plot in this are just generic. They didn't have much in terms of personality, but at the same time weren't annoying. Plus, there wasn't much in terms of development for something this long. Look, I know not everything needs to be like the Stick Slayer in terms of direction, but for something that doesn't have much in terms of plot; it could have been a bit faster. On the other hand, you do have some nice angle choices.

The Good:
-Nice color selection
-Good backgrounds
-Decent sound effects
-Interesting setting

The Bad:
-Uninspired plot and characters
-Not much in terms of story development.
-The voice acting wasn't very good
-The music didn't really set any mood.

Overall: I have no right to give you a zero since I'm not much better at storywriting either. Here's a six for the effort and I hope you improve on this.

LewToons responds:

the voice acting wasnt any good?....

kind of makes is seem like you don't quite know what you are talking about...perhaps you didnt perfer the story, but i think the voice actors are top notch and i think you dont quite have the best scope on things - - i think you should put a bit more effort into your further reviews considering most of the actors do professional work

oh also, i forgot to mention - - - please do not return to watch the next one - -
peace bitch :)

As much as I thought this was funny...

...this series has lacked the genuine parody element for quite some time. On the other hand, I will never give you a rating lower than the seven because you are one incredibly talented man.

Animation: Great as always, and it was nice of your girlfriend to help in the production of this. So no faults there.
Audio: The voice work is excellent as always, and I liked the music. However, I suggest you expand your musician roster with Nemesis Theory, Paragon X9, Solus Lunes, Chronamut, and Xarnor.
Content: This is the only flawed part that this has. I'm not saying that this is bad, because it's not. Rather, it felt rather generic akin to Artist Gamer Gal and RedHarvest. On the other hand, since this was funny due to the voicework, it made something that would be forgettable into something I laughed at. One more thing, you also did a good job on the direction.

The Good:
-Great animation and direction
-Funny voices
-Nice music

The Bad:
-Could have been funnier and didn't feel like a genuine parody.
-Overused subject

Overall: I'm giving you a nine on this even though I almost never review more than two submissions per author in each portal.


While you do have an interesting philosophy, you aren't really a philosopher/theoretician. On the other hand, this isn't as preposterous as Spirit Science.

Visuals: Look, I don't believe that everything should have perfect animation with high-bitrate music, but enough to get the point across. However, there was hardly any character animation except for one or two scenes. Of course, I really like your layouts. If you're going do a weekly/monthy flash series, you better be really good and quick in order to make it convincing.
Sound: I really like the voices and the music on this, so no problems here.
Content: The only reason I watched this just so I can critique it. While you do have an interesting philosophy, decent direction, and a nice pace; it wasn't much to offer. I mean I appreciate that you're trying to prove that NG has potential beyond entertainment, but the way you're going about this seems uncompelling. I've seen flash movies with this kind of filesize that had much more in terms of content. In other words, this feels like a step up from Chester Kwan and Marsoupskin.

-Nice layouts and voices
-Decent direction
-Fitting sound
-Somewhat interesting philosophy

-Hardly any animation for a four meg flash.

Overall: Jordan, I hope you put more thought into the animation next time unless you want to end up like certain has-beens & Never-will-bes? Here's a six from me.

RiverJordan responds:

I'm thinking a little bigger than Newgrounds personally. I'm not making this for the newgrounds community, but rather, the global community. This video is for anyone and everyone who is willing to see it, which is why it's also on youtube and a number of conscious media network sites.

You're right in that the animation was more still frames than full animations, but doing it that way allows me to make many of them and keep my message without going super intense in animation. Honestly, i don't feel like it needs that much extra animation work, because the message is there and that's whats important. No amount of extra animation would make the message more powerful, at least, not at this calibur of video.

Another great flash from...

...The great El Cid! I never really expected you to make another videogame flash since that segment in the Street Fighter Collab. Plus, it was a clever decision to export this as a video since the .swf file would have made most computers shit bricks.

When it comes down to the animation, it's still as excellent since Mega Man vs Quick Man and it was nice of Edgar to help out with this. Plus, I liked Heavy's facial expressions and the layouts. However, be careful with the filters since not everyone has custom made PCs that have power equivalent to four PS3s. On the other hand, due to this being video, it didn't lag at all. The sound is also great with actual Team Fortress 2 sounds and hpanic's music was quite fitting. Last, but not least, the content was superb. The direction was top notch and the gag at the end with the spy had me laughing. Were you watching Stick Slayer while working on this?

-Great animation
-Badass direction
-Excellent joke at the end
-Top notch sound selection

-The fact that this is another video game flash. (Not that I have anything against them.)
-The fact that Flash zealots will trash this for being a video file.
-Huge filesize, but I'll let this slide due to the .swf being processor intensive.

Overall: For proving that you haven't lost it, how would you like a ten from me?

El-Cid responds:

I'll take it with relish!

Trippy as hell!

I concur with Jordan Duchnycz, Spazkid, and Pale Rider on this one. The crazy-ass imagery definitely makes this top ten material. Even though I didn't get the meaning behind this; that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it.

When it comes to the graphics, there was a nice mix between gradients, conventional shading, imported photos, drawings, tweened cutouts, and frame-by-frame. It takes a delicate hand and careful decision making to make all those come together with a very pleasing result. Plus, the musical timing was swell. However, I think you should cut back on your filter usage because that can make older computers lag. Sound, It didn't have sound effects, but it's a music video. Plus, I liked that Tally Hall song that you chose. To be honest, I have NO problem with people using commercial music in their flash as long as the song fits the cartoon/game. Content, While I don't really get it; the surreal feeling made up for it. Your direction is excellent, and I would love to see more work of this caliber from you and the rest of the Clock Crew.

-Clever use of mixed media
-Excellent direction
-Great music and timing

-Could have used less filter usage
-The fact that I didn't get what was going on, but that's not important.

Overall: Creatus, how would you like a ten from me?

It's been years since I saw...

...a GOOD Zelda cartoon on here. Aside from the subject being overdone, most Zelda parodies that I have seen recently can be summed up as "great animation, but that's it." Now, let's get started...

Graphics: I really like the cartoony style that was used throughout this. A breath of fresh air when compared to a few of the last things I reviewed. Plus, I liked your subtle use of asymmetry on Ganon. On the other hand, while I liked your poses; this wasn't the best animation and there was too much blur usage. For the former, it may not be up to par with the top-tier FBF guys on here, but it did get the point across. As for the filters, you may want to cut back on the blur effects since they can induce lag on slower computers.
Sound: There wasn't any music, but the voice acting and sound effects were great.
Content: I have nothing against people who make cartoons out of video games on here AS LONG AS the movie is good. In this case, it was pretty damned funny. I really liked your sight gags, direction, and script. On the other hand, Zelda in general has been done so many times throughout the years to the point where I usually ignore them.

What I liked about this:
-Nice style with some subtle asymmetry.
-Good direction and staging
-Great voices
-Clever use of a storyboard with a nice script

What I didn't like:
-Overused subject
-Too much blur usage
-Not the best animation, but not the worst

Overall: Edgar, Danny, how would you guys like a nine from me? If you ever decide to do more VG parodies, try Tales of Phantasia ans Star Ocean.

I've been on here for over a decade and have a high level, so fucking what? Regarding my MSN and Trillian accounts: Request to be added.

Shane @FightingSeraph

Age 40, Male

Need a new one.


Slidell, Louisiana

Joined on 5/25/01

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