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Shane @FightingSeraph

Age 39, Male

Need a new one.


Slidell, Louisiana

Joined on 5/25/01

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FightingSeraph's News

Posted by FightingSeraph - March 13th, 2009

Penn Says: Israel and the Pope

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How's this for thoughtful commentary.

Cato Institute: Jason Riley assails the myths of immigration.

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Many of you will find this boring, but I don't think that anyone will be able to refute this.

Robert Bryce on energy independence.

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I recommend Mr. Bryce's book to anyone.

Lemmings Longplay Part One.

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Warning! Three hours long, but worthwhile.

I thought it was about time to put aside my random ramblings and show people something worthwhile. Besides, I'm not in the mood to share my thoughts and feelings.
Ragathol- Another one of my favorites.
Coonass- What? A Louisianian on ConceptArt.org? That cannot be, for that destroys any pre-conceived notions about Louisiana that I have!!
Why government should NOT tell businesses what to do.
Ultimate Shmup Universe-The place to go for Space shooters that weren't done in Flash.

Posted by FightingSeraph - March 8th, 2009

Here's the original

1. Broken Saints: What's the big deal? This has been blown out of proportion to the point where it needs mentioning. Sure it has David Kaye and Scott McNeil, but there are better flash cartoons that they and the rest of the cast of this could be in. Seeing that it's nothing more than Clutch Cargo meets Alan Moore, but Moore's stuff was great reading.

2. Sonic Shorts: I avoid these cartoons for a good reason, maybe it's due to the fact they try too much to be like Skittles 'N Bitz.

3. Nin10Doh! (Both of them): The animation was excellent, but most of the sketches in them consist of jokes that were ripped out of various webcomics, 4chan, YTMND, and YouTube. Sure, Kirbopher/Neo-C is a great voice actor, but the voices in those two collabs were, quite frankly, annoying as hell. And this is coming from someone who enjoyed the Parody Rangers cartoons (except for the movie).

4. How to Succeed on NG: Even though I liked the jabs at Omahdon, Tomamoto, Rina-Chan, Egoraptor, and I think either Lucien Dodge or Tam Tu Bui. This deserves mentioning even though it is just two parts. It copies off of Portal Detour and NG Sticks, which preceeded it by eight years. And many of the jokes and the opinions expressed by Biff The Timid seem as if they were taken from I-Mockery.

5. Superhero Slayers: I'm sorry, but the only person who did enjoyable Marvel/DC-related cartoons is Wogoat. Episode Three was just generic, poorly paced, and boring to watch. Plus, the voice acting sucked...hard. If the other episodes are like the one I saw, I'll probably just end up hating on it.

6. Arfenhouse: I liked the first two cartoons, but the rest of them are too random to be funny. Plus, Misteroo and DL Neutrino are in no place to criticize any other flash cartoonist without looking like complete hypocrites because of how random and poorly-made the Arfenhouse cartoons are even though that was intended.

Posted by FightingSeraph - March 5th, 2009

As I said in previous posts, most of the anime I've seen is either boring (Ghost in the Shell, NGE, any of Hayao Miyazaki's movies) or just plain sucks (F-Zero: GP Legend, Galaxy Angel, Chrono Crusade). However, here are some anime I do like.

1. Fist of the North Star.
Why is this first? Simply because it's my all time favorite anime. It's even bloodier than most of today's horror movies and then some. Sure, there are other bloody anime, but there's just something about seeing Kenshiro beating the shit out of his enemies. And unlike Dragon Ball Z, it wasn't bogged down with filler stories as a means for the manga to catch up. If there is one thing that I don't like about it, it's that the whole "oceans drying up" thing is rather lame.

2. Dragon Half.
Here's one short story that was never completed because the creator was caught using drugs. Many of you have probably never heard of this, but it can be found on YouTube. As for the anime itself, it is one of the funniest anime ever. Plus, ADV did a great job with the dubbing.

3. Appleseed.
Just how did this get overlooked in favor of GitS is beyond me, but I enjoyed it. Even though I didn't like Ghost in the Shell, I find this and Goku: Midnight Eye to be pretty damned badass.

4. Dirty Pair.
Before Cowboy Bebop and Galaxy Angel, there were Kei and Yuri. While this is based on a series of Sci-Fi novels, the anime was quite different as it was more comedic although it did have its fair share of serious moments. Fun fact: Dirty pair was also adapted into a Dark Horse comic, with art by Adam Warren.

5. Akira.
Even though I didn't like its slow pace, but it still entertained me.

6. Angel Sanctuary.
Even though this was a case of a massive story getting compressed, you have to like someone like Alexiel. Too bad the voice acting in the dubbed version isn't very good.

7. New Cutey Honey.
This is how a continuation of a '73-'74 Go Nagai should be done. If there is one problem, it's that they never animated the last four episodes.

8. Gunbuster.
This is the only Gainax anime I actually like.

9. Dragon Pink.

Posted by FightingSeraph - February 28th, 2009

The original

1. DBZ-style flash: Even though I loved McFretn's Brutality and to a lesser extent, SMB Z; just how many DBZ-modeled flash movies do we have to see? Don't get me started on that "Over 9000" bullshit.

2. Mario and Sonic crossovers: This only worked for Randy Solem, Rob Foor, and Alvin Earthworm. All the others are completely unnecissary and uncreative to a fault. Use different games that aren't as well-known, people.

3. Super Smash Brothers spoofs: While there are only a few I like; most of them on the other hand are very dull and overrated. The jokes used in these are old, repetitive, and gut-wrenchingly unfunny. And this is coming from a SSB fan.

That's all for the tacky flash trends; now for something cool:
Alchemy art software
Colors art software

Posted by FightingSeraph - February 26th, 2009

One of the best mockups around.: I found this earlier today and I like it.

Maddox on Loose Change: I highly doubt that anyone will refute what Maddox has said.

My latest art

Space Shooter models

Steven Murgatroyd on Biased Jounalism: The comment by ShameStein is fucking spot on!

These are all the links that I have for now, and I'm not in the mood to write a rant.

Posted by FightingSeraph - February 23rd, 2009

The title says it all!

Update: I don't have beads, but I do have these links to give:
Polls: Obama approval rate average; disapproval rate High
The Junk Science Web Log
Manny Can

PS: Anime conventions blow ass!

Posted by FightingSeraph - February 19th, 2009

The first five are satirical in nature.

1. Angel Sanctuary Hyper Dub: Here's something for those who liked Tomamoto and ]{ombat's parody videos, but done in a satirical fashion. I have no intention on insulting Kaori Yuki or her series, but to discourage the likes of Transformers Bastardized.

2. Shane's Nintendo Spoofs: In the vein of Metal Gear Funnies and Super Marrio Parodies is one hell of a mockery of the Nin10Doh! collabs; only that it not only mocks them, but also has a very psychotic twist at the end.

3. Portal Douchebags: No, it's not related to a certain computer game. Rather, it trashes various flash cartoonists and voice actors in a fucked up way.

4. Baroque Taunts: A perfect foil for those overrated and unfunny Brawl Taunts cartoons.

5.Rush Limbaugh's Hypocrisy: Even America's Anchorman needs to be knocked down a peg or two.

These next ones are anything goes:

6. Mega Shane: A parody of the American Mega Man minus the internet fads that tend to plague parodies these days.

7. Shane Skekel vs. Naruto: I'm not giving away the synopsis.

8. Fiero Pink Begins: Here's something that would give Japanese transforming girl shows, Masters of the Universe, and Witchblade some competition.

9. Greyscale: It's just a black and white cartoon with no background gags, satires, symbolism, etc.

10. Meat Man attacks!: He's come to bring ruin to Animal Rights groups, conspiracy nuts, religious fanatics, and whoever pisses him off.

FatKidWitAJetPak's Voice acting contest:
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/10 25263/1

Posted by FightingSeraph - February 15th, 2009

Last datatrack

1. The Story of Khale: I just saw the two episodes that were made, and they were spectacular and shows that westerners can still animate well. I think that Legendary Frog, Hans van Haarken, and Notorious could learn something from LeafWorthy's series. I hope Leaf doesn't cancel it or do something that will turn it into a shitpile.

2. Kirby: I like Kirby and the rest of the various characters in that franchise, but I think it's time Nintendo and Hal Labs found a way to re-invent the pink puff-ball. The anime was alright, but suffered from being too repetitive. Kirby Air Ride, while not up to par with the Wind Waker and both of the Metroid Prime games, proved that Kirby has some fully 3d potential.

3. Oddworld (continued from DT 6): I loved Abe's Oddysee, Abe's Exodus, and Munch's Oddysee as much as I do Nintendo. Even though lampooning consumerism is lame now, there was something about posessing Sligs and what not. As for the upcoming movie, I hope that Lorne Lanning and the Oddworld gang don't fuck it up. Fun Fact: Aside from being the creator of the series, Lorne did most of the character voices.

4. Halo: I liked playing the first one, but I haven't played the second or third. However, this series just lacked the charm that Goldeneye for the N64 had. I hope that Microsoft doesn't turn this into a pointless, greedy series like those sports simulators that EA re-releases every year. As for the flak it gets, I can see where those who downrate it are coming form. However, how come it's ok to trash Halo, but not Half-Life or Grand Theft Auto?

5. Fine art: I love old paintings and what not, but I am getting sick of people using fine art to advance their biased agendas and the rest of us. This, of course, is why I love stuff like Yes, It Doesn't because it proves that art does not need the pretension that is associated with it. I like to draw and paint, but the pretentious atmosphere that surrounds fine art makes me want to puke bile.

6. YouTube Poop: I hate these damned videos more than certain animators toward sprite movies. They aren't funny at all and this is coming from someone who likes crude, leud, and rude humor. I'd rather take Link's Quest For Ass, Rats on Cocaine, or The Lloyds over any YTP video any day. If you're going to do something based on the SMB Super Show, et al; take a good look at Clark Lybeck's "The Color of Envy."

7. Mike Judge: I love Beavis and Butt-Head and it could have lasted for another year. I thought King of the Hill was alright and better than Family Guy and Futurama. I also liked Office Space. However, I don't know what to think about The Goode Family so far.

8. CastleVania: I thought CV 64 turned out alright and I liked Super CastleVania 4. Beside that, I think it's time for Konami to find someone else to do CastleVania. Just how many times do they have to use the Symphony of the Night formula and graphics? The series has potential beyond 2D, but Konami has yet to harness it.

Posted by FightingSeraph - February 11th, 2009

Here's some stuff I would like to share, but chances are that many here would find some of this unpalatable.

"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves."
-Unknown contributor to Thunder roads magazine.

This is for all of you 'liberal' and Socialist morons out there. Not that the conservatives are any better, though.

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
-Optimus Prime

Still a quote that I treasure.

"Clarity of thought before the rashness of action."

Here's something that's so true, yet isn't implemented much.

"A good shot is worth more than a good intention."

With the quotes out of the way, now here's some links.

Wayne Allyn Root-I would rather have him as president over either Obama or McCain anyday.

The Rick Ross institute for the study of destructive cults.

The Skeptic Wiki on Atheism.

The Cato Institute on the "Stimulus"

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Penn Jilette on "Is Dissent Still Patriotic?"

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Posted by FightingSeraph - February 8th, 2009

Anybody attending Mardi Gras this year? Then again, I'm not a parade guy, but there will be Jim Belushi, Carlos Mencia (I think he's funny, I don't fucking care what you dipshits think), and plenty of titty on Bourbon Street (and I'm not just talking about flashing for beads here). Too bad I didn't mention Slidell's Krewe of Bilge, which took place a week or so ago. It's a boat parade that takes place at Eden Isles, for those who don't know.

PS: Space Invaders Extreme is the best game of 2008.

Update: Here's some more links, but there isn't much.

Mr. Jack-Another one of my favorites on ConceptArt.org.

Schwer and Schwer Alike-A RosenKreuz Stilette web log.

La Carne-My friend's web log; not for those who don't know what a deep person is, but know what a shallow person is.