Amazing as always!
I have to admit that it took a lot of balls to submit something with a low resolution seeing that this site has an intoxicating obsession with HD. (Not everything needs to have a minimum screen resolution of 1280*720 with post processing.) Now, on with the review.
Animation: Goddamn, this beats a lot of the inane tripe that passes for frontpage material for miles. Your poses, timing, expressions, and use of lip-sync are magnificent. Plus, I loved how you did your pans/rotations the hand drawn way. This is the kind of stuff that's legit and excellent at the same time.
Sound: I liked the sparse use of voices and the music selection. It's not easy finding the right music, and even harder to find that right moment.
Content: It may be a one-vs-many cartoon, but the setting and direction make up for it. Many animation veterans are tired of the super fast choreography, yet you used it to your advantage unlike so many others on here. I think more Stickpage/Dojo members should do cartoons with fully-drawn characters because you can only do so much with sticks.
The Good:
-The setting
-Great direction
-Fitting music
-Adept animation
-Decent diologue
The Not so good:
-Not that original, but the execution is what counts.
Overall: Here's a ten from me. (5/5)