Not bad for a first flash, but not great.
Look, I don't have a problem with videogame flash as long as the results are good, but this doesn't have the entertainment value of either Visitor from Proxima or Two Nerds and A Robot. However, that was comparing apples to oranges. Hnilmik, you have a long ways to go if you want to be with Scar Theatre, Randy Solem, McFretN (Check out Combat Instinct if you want to know who he is), Bobert-Rob, Dean Packis, and many others. On the other hand, it's much better than most first time submissions on Newgrounds. With that out of the way...
In terms of graphics, the drawings are nice along with the angle choice, but the only real animation were the bubbles that were coming from below. Plus,the fins on the fish have no animation at all, which could have helped. As for the filters, don't be like Jazza and Alvin Earthworm by splurging on the blur effects since more filter use equals more processing power to render them without it lagging. In terms of sound, the music was alright, but didn't fit with the mood you were trying to set. The voice acting wasn't bad in terms of the actual acting, but why couldn't you do the woman's voice? I found Sapphire's voice to be a bit annoying and out of place, but not as annoying as the voices in Tarboy or $00pah Nin10Doh. As for the content, you chose a nice behind the back shot for this, but writing was nothing special and could have used a somewhat tighter pace. Another piece of advice from someone who has seen thousands of flash movies: Learn how to optimize your swf files because 2.5 megabytes for something this short is ludicrous, especially considering that I've seen flash that was better animated and directed, but had smaller filesizes.
What I did like:
-Nice drawings
-Passable voice for the executive
-Passable music
-Somewhat fresh subject
-Not bad for a school project
What I didn't like:
-The fact that this is another VG flash.
-Very little animation
-The female voice was somewhat annoying.
-Needlessly big filesize for something short. (This could have been 800k to one megabyte)
-Could have used a better pace.
Overall: While something like this would usually get a six out of me, but seeing that it's not bad nor great at the same time; I'm giving you a seven. As I said before, I don't mind these kinds of derived projects, but they can't be the only kind of flash productions if you want to be respected.