
101 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Not bad for a first flash, but not great.

Look, I don't have a problem with videogame flash as long as the results are good, but this doesn't have the entertainment value of either Visitor from Proxima or Two Nerds and A Robot. However, that was comparing apples to oranges. Hnilmik, you have a long ways to go if you want to be with Scar Theatre, Randy Solem, McFretN (Check out Combat Instinct if you want to know who he is), Bobert-Rob, Dean Packis, and many others. On the other hand, it's much better than most first time submissions on Newgrounds. With that out of the way...

In terms of graphics, the drawings are nice along with the angle choice, but the only real animation were the bubbles that were coming from below. Plus,the fins on the fish have no animation at all, which could have helped. As for the filters, don't be like Jazza and Alvin Earthworm by splurging on the blur effects since more filter use equals more processing power to render them without it lagging. In terms of sound, the music was alright, but didn't fit with the mood you were trying to set. The voice acting wasn't bad in terms of the actual acting, but why couldn't you do the woman's voice? I found Sapphire's voice to be a bit annoying and out of place, but not as annoying as the voices in Tarboy or $00pah Nin10Doh. As for the content, you chose a nice behind the back shot for this, but writing was nothing special and could have used a somewhat tighter pace. Another piece of advice from someone who has seen thousands of flash movies: Learn how to optimize your swf files because 2.5 megabytes for something this short is ludicrous, especially considering that I've seen flash that was better animated and directed, but had smaller filesizes.

What I did like:
-Nice drawings
-Passable voice for the executive
-Passable music
-Somewhat fresh subject
-Not bad for a school project

What I didn't like:
-The fact that this is another VG flash.
-Very little animation
-The female voice was somewhat annoying.
-Needlessly big filesize for something short. (This could have been 800k to one megabyte)
-Could have used a better pace.

Overall: While something like this would usually get a six out of me, but seeing that it's not bad nor great at the same time; I'm giving you a seven. As I said before, I don't mind these kinds of derived projects, but they can't be the only kind of flash productions if you want to be respected.

Hnilmik responds:

I appreciate the effort you're willing to spend when it comes to giving a review! And even more that you're willing to step a bit beyond what you'd usually score!

The reason why I didn't voice for Samantha and cast Sapphire for the role is because Samantha is BLACK and I can't sound like a convincing African American no matter how hard I try. I'm too Asian to get the right vocal resonance down. Also, ironically, Samantha is supposed to be annoying to some extent, but that'll be touched upon in later installments.

I agree that the filesize was like whoa (not huge, but dang--those vectors), because, as you're aware, I'm new at this. However, it would've helped more if you knew how to animate yourself to give me some tips on fixing it. Just look at that additional help section; I readily accept help when something can be improved on, yo.

Make a flash, dude! I see claims that you know a lot about them, but it'd be much more awesome, not to mention more helpful, if you could put your thoughts to good use beyond namedroppy reviews~ Don't let strict preferences get in the way of possibly enjoying things you wouldn't think you would, eh? Peace~

Pretty fuckin' Badass!

Radcliffe, it's safe to say that you did that Newgrounds classic justice, unlike most fan flash which usually turn out to suck dick. I remember seeing the original several times through the years, and unlike some older flash (I'm looking at you Arrogancy); it managed to still remain good throughout the years. With that out of the way, on with the review...

In terms of graphics, the characters are beautifully drawn and were animated with skills that few on here have; and I heard that you drawn this with a mouse, which makes this even more of an achievement for you. Not to mention that you put gradients to good use along with regular shading. Plus, I like how you used both Flash MX and Flash 8 for this; I think that many people on here should consider using older versions of Flash while using the newer versions for special effects. Mainly because using older versions makes people less likely to splurge on the Flash 8+ filters. Other than that, I liked what you had in that department. The sound was pretty much well-done, with fitting music and sound effects, which can make or break a flash. Then there's the content, the fighting and the mood were excellent and put many story-driven flash series to shame.

What I do like:
-Excellent art and animation
-Good usage of gradients and the Flash 8 filters were used with discretion. (I think Jazza and Alvin Earthworm could learn something from you.)
-Excellent fighting and mood
-Great music selection
-Does the original justice

What I don't like:
-The fact that snobbish pricks will trash this for being a tribute.

Overall: How would you like a ten for this?

XtremelyVenomous responds:

Venom:- "how would i like a 10 for this? .... HOW WOULD I LIKE A TEN FOR THIS? ..... a ten is always acceptable. but a 10 + these words from you, buddy. makes me wanna hand my symbiote to you......................... temporarily ofcourse."

Funny, but it could have been funnier.

Sure, it may be a school project, but the results of these school project flashes usually turn out to be good. In terms of art and animation, it may not be the best frame-by-frame animation (especially when compared to Adam Phillips or Noiserover), but for what you had, it's better than some of the test animations that I have done. Then there's the sound, the Audio Portal may suffer from so much competition, so little innovation, but the song you chose fit the nerd theme of your cartoon. Then there's the content, it may be original and I did chuckle, but considering stuff like Birthday Surprise, Rats on Cocaine, Mega Man and Pompous Robots, and a few other cartoons I can't think of at the moment; you may want to work on your comedic timing and delivery (though I do like many of your earlier cartoons). On the other hand, at least you didn't use 4Chan/Y.T.M.N.D./Youtube memes in this, which is a good thing since I hate that kind of humor. (Even though I'm usually open to any form of comedy.)

What I do like:
-Original, which takes a backseat to the execution.
-Good animation
-Nice use of an Audio Portal song

What I don't like:
-Could have been funnier.

Overall: Here's an eight out of ten for you.

Battosai810 responds:

Great review!

Happy to hear you enjoyed the cartoon. I completely agree it could have been funnier, but I wasn't focusing on the writing or comedy for this one; it was an animation exercise as you noted. I make a point to avoid Internet memes, as I find them pretty irritating. Many of them are funny once or twice, but enough is enough! See the horror that is Brawl Taunts, Street Fighter Club, and well, anything Rina-Chan has ever "written".

As for music, I was looking for 80's nerd music, and it happened to be the first result under "80s" in the Audio Portal! I got lucky there. Thanks again for your big ol' review - I definitely prefer it over the usual one sentence reviews - positive or negative - that I often get.

Reminds me of Doug TenNapel.

In case you're not familiar with him, he created Earthworm Jim, The Neverhood, Project Geeker, and Sockbaby. Aside from that, you just proven that you can do something that isn't a hateful insult. With that out of the way...

In terms of art and animation, I really like when people mix frame-by-frame and tweening together. Plus, I liked how you timed that skyscraper segment in the beginning. Then there's the use of the game's soundtrack, which I would consider highly respectable. As for the content, I never played Voodoo Vince myself, but for a tribute flash, it's well done and that's what counts in my book. The directing, timing, and use of texture are excellent for something that's three megabytes. However, considering that Noiserover had excellent animation and sound quality for extremely small exported files; that is why you're getting the score I'm giving you.

What I do like:
-Underused subject
-Great animation
-Nice music choice
-Great direction

What I don't like:
-The Fact that this is another videogame flash. Note: I don't have a beef with video game flash as long as the end result is good.
-Could have been better optimized considering the length.

Overall: 9/10

Emanhattan responds:

I know this sounds idiotic n by behalf but I really dont see this as a videogame flash.

To me this is more of a music video to a song I like and a tribute to 2 of my favourite creative minds,than a tribute to the game itself.

still I appreciate the input and thanks for the review!

Almost Perfect.

Nicholas, I think that you have something that would give Fallen Angel a worthy competitor and would put the likes of Minushi, Xombie, and whatnot to shame. However, I have to agree with een777 on the story though, it would have been better if you created a proper pilot episode. With that out of the way, on with the review...

In terms of art and animation, you have some good frame by frame with actual shading, nice use of swift 3D/Milkshape 3D, clever use of gradients, and nice painted backgrounds. As for the frame-by-frame stuff, I will agree that it could have used a few more frames in certain places, but at least you didn't cop out like Arrogancy, Chester Kwan, and those motion comic flashes (I hate those things). As for the characters, Unlike Rhete you and your friends did a good job drawing them. On the other hand, anime-style art is overused and you might piss off anime haters such as Oney, Hans Van Harken, Doug Sauncy (the Keegan's Truck guy), and TFX to name a few. Then there's the sound, which is a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand, you have a nice music selection such as the Fire Field theme from F-Zero GX (Show No Pain), Hitoshi Sakimoto, and other games. On the other hand, the voice acting is pretty bad. Not just in the recording quality, but the actual acting is reminiscent of English dubbed Voltes 5 and Mazinger. I think you need to get Sam Haft, Malamite Ltd., Druox the Shredder, Sapphire, G-Force, and a few others for this project. As for the content, you did a great job on the direction, the story, the setting, and the originality. However, as I, along with een, have said before: starting in the middle was a bad decision and I would like for you to come up with a proper pilot episode for this. The only other flaw that I could notice is how some of the Greek letters were used. When using Greek letters: Psi=ps, H is used as vowel, and X=H.

What I do like:
-Above-average art and animation
-Good story so far
-Nice music and sound effect selection
-Great mechanical design
-Top-notch direction and setting

What I don't like:
-Bad voice acting, a few more takes along with redone recordings would have helped this.
-Animation could have been a bit smoother in parts.
-Improper use of Greek Letters
-Lack of a proper pilot

Overall: In spite of this cartoon's flaws, I still think it was great. Here's a nine out of ten.

RPGsrok responds:

As I've mentioned, I spent at least one of the two years of this thing's producting asking myself why I wanted to do this episode 'next'. If you actually look at my work, this isn't the first Dual Arms I've made (though if you do look at my work, watch Precipice NOT NOCTURNUS - because being my first flash, it was crap), but yeah, I was a bit stupid going through the middle like this. I never thought of it as a pilot, and if I were to produce a completely different Dual Arms episode (after hypothetically finishing the second part of Verbatim) I would definitely go straight to the chronological beginning and do a proper 'pilot'.

I was using swift 3D, and honestly I think I suck. I've never had formal lessons in any animation per se, but especially need a lotta work in my 3D, and I'm not afraid to admit it. I also think ther's really no point to so-called "motion-comics" and I'm glad you see the thought behind my decisions. And as you said, the animation could be smoothed, but you can only do so much by yourself if you hope to finish something like this. I hope you can understand that, though it's certainly no justification for low quality.

Honestly, I dunno Rhete, but as for any critique on the 'anime-style', please understand that I have no intention of drastically changing my style to the western; I rather like anime myself. Again, I don't know all the users you're citing but I can say for my part that I hold a bit of DISDAIN for Oney and Hans, and so if they didn't like my work, I'd have no problem with that.

Another person had also complained about the voices, and I respectfully reply that there were some good performances in there. I acknowledge though that some actors could've done better both in terms of quality and acting. Again, I don't know the actors you're listing, and I also think it'd be presumptuous of me to just contact them and say "You, actor! Work for me! Thanks!" Nonetheless, I will do what I can to get good actors in the future.

You are the first person to reference the greek. I certainly used it liberally, and i was getting the letters from the atene font, which may not map perfectly. Not speaking Greek myself, (and c'mon, I'm using it to spell out ENGLISH), I'm perfectly fine with there being some errors in it, though I'm sorry it annoyed you.

Thank you for your faith in my work, and for being so kind as to review. I hope to hear from you in the future.

Now this is the best Videogame flash...

...I have ever seen. Plus, I like how you added live video to this as well. Truth is, I'm sick of Flash zealots and sprite haters who are whining or about to bitch at this just because of those two things. I say, fuck them in the neck, this site's slogan is "Everything, by Everyone" not "Everything for a bunch of snotty ass pricks who think they're always right." Sorry about that Mike, but I think that that little bit needed to be said. With that out of the way...

In terms of graphics, you did a great job on your custom sprites and importing the rest in there as well. I also like the scanline texture that you added to simulate an older model TV. As for the live segment, you did a good job directing that with a nice choice of shots, good pace, passable picture quality, and a great setup. Then there is the sound, which is the only notable gripe here. You have great sound effects and fitting music, but in the first and fourth sprite segments, the music finished before the movie did. If you are going to event synchronize music, you should have looped it because the music ending before the segment really takes the viewers out of the experience. As for the content, you did a great job directing those sprites and I like how you mixed the subjects up, many of which happen to be underused.

What I do like:
-Excellent job on the sprites, both ripped and custom.
-Great direction and pacing
-Fitting music and sound selection.
-Underused subjects.
-Good use of live video.

What I don't like:
-The music finished playing in two parts before the actual scene ended.
-The fact that it's another videogame flash. Note: I don't have a beef with videogame flash as long as they are good.
-The Mario 3 and Mega Man parts, while enjoyable, are overused subjects on here.

Overall: Mike R, you have set a new standard in sprite movies. I award you a ten out of ten for this brilliant gem of a flash.

OrinCreed responds:

I'm really glad people like and understand why I added the live action bit. When I first made it I was worried that would turn people away real fast. Your point about sprite movies is actually why it took so long for me to join here. I had heard all kinds of stories about sprite movies getting a lot of hate. I'm really glad I joined despite what I was told.

I'm not sure why the music is cutting out like that on you. I set the movie up to loop all music until a stop frame at the scenes end. Seems fine when I play it too. I'm wondering if it might have something to do with flash player. This movie seems to be pissy if it's not run in flash player 9. But what do I know I'm still a huge novice. :)

Thanks for the great crit. I really appreciate it.

3D modeled excellence!

Chakra-X, for your first 3D cartoon, this is much better than most people's attempts at a complete one. Of course, I tried modeling in GMax, but I didn't like it very much. With that out of the way, on with the review...

Graphically speaking, this is better than most 3D flash movies where it's either good models ruined by bad animation (Battle for the Portal) or the other way around (Rick's Adventure 171-Symphony Battle). This had both great models and the animation was up to par with those models. Plus, I like how you included the special attack for the Burning Gundam. Keep in mind that I have never seen a Gundam episode ever, although I did see a few snippets on YouTube. Speaking of which, why is it that there is always some dumbass who says that video files don't belong here? Truth is, I think video submissions should be treated the same way as regular Flash entries. As for the sound, excellent choice of music, and I also like how you used Barney and Mark Gatha soundbytes. I think that time you spent on personal projects has paid off. Why? Because I found this to be pretty damned funny!

What I do like:
-Great models and animation
-Fitting sound

What I don't like:
-People will complain about the length, but screw what they think.

Overall: How would you like a ten for this?

Chakra-X responds:

Thank you very much sir! I have not seen those flashes in awhile so I would like to take a look at them. I did have fun building the Gundam and Barney, but my professor told me there a lot more good modelers than good 3D animators out there, so I really wanted to make that look good. THANK you for appreciating what I did to try to replicate the greatness of the Burning Gundam. I understand this is a flash-based site, but flash and video have been blending together ever since YouTube came around. It's not like it was live action.

Also, the original requirements for the project were to be 15-30 seconds long, so in that context my animation of *long*!

Thank you for this review!

Pretty good.

Even though I think that you are an asshole, this cartoon proves that you can create good, original material (emphasis on the "good" part). With that out of the way...

Graphically, it isn't the best, but it gets the point across, which is the way it ought to be on here. Nice mix between tweening and frame-by-frame. Plus, I think you did a good job on the music selection. However, this wasn't funny which resulted in you losing two points.

What I do like:
-Good art and animation
-Original, which matters little especially if the final product turns out to suck.
-Nice music selection
-Nice pace

What I don't like:
-Wasn't funny
-Sound effects were a bit grating
-Artistic value is no excuse for not having a replay button. Then again, I can always right click and replay it that way.

Overall: I may like this, but that won't change my opinion of you. Here's an eight out of ten.

CoolDrMoney responds:

Dam I wish I wasnt such an azzhol thn we could B m8s

That poor collab.

When it came to collab series, All NG Fads Die! has to be my favorite of them all; combining a music video with the Stick Slayer and NG Assassin. Too bad that Radioactive is having a hard time with people signing up only to drop out. Truth is, I bet there are plenty of fresh meat for you, Rai, Logo, Topz, etc. to go after such as Miss Dynamite, Clock Suckers, Awesome, etc. With that out of the way...

In terms of art and animation, it may not be up to par with Bitey of Brackenwood, but gets the point across. However, in the chaingun scene from AFD 4, the chaingun had next to no recoil. The third Clock scene, on the other hand, shows that you have improved quite a bit. In terms of sound, unlike the actual collabs that those early segments were in, you decided to add sound effects. The music on the other hand, while it may be synonymous with the series, three of the songs didn't really fit; and I like metal myself, but I think you should have used either Superbeast or Reload instead of Columind and Heaven & Hell. As for the subjects, I like how you had target variety in that AFD 4 part, along with the weaponry in all the segments. However, I think that there are many a popular series for you and the rest of the AFD gang for you to trash all to hell.

What I like about this:
-Finally, something All-Fads-Die-related that just came out in three-and-a-half years.
-Good art and animation
-Good sound effects
-Subject variety

What I don't like about this:
-The fact that its mostly recycled footage from AFD 3 and 4.
-Black Sabbath and Filter, while far from shitty, didn't really fit.

Overall: Razorhawk/Neo Pikachu, here's an eight out of ten for doing what Radioactive24 and Logo/Smac haven't done in years: a new AFD animation.

RazorHawk responds:

Oh man, thank you for an awesome in-depth review.

Yeah, I did recycle footage from AFD 3 and 4, I wouldn't have done that if the AFD 6 part was longer, but that's less than 30 seconds. Not to mention those parts did have a few slight errors on the actual collabs themselves.

And yeah, I've improved a lot over time. As for the music not fitting, its kind of hard to find that one track that's "just right" and sets the mood exactly how you want it to. I thought Heaven and Hell and Columind would have done that, but hey, I respect your opinion when you say they didn't.

In all, thanks for going the extra mile to write all that. I'll keep in mind for all the future flashes I work on.

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Shane @FightingSeraph

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