A compelling tale!
I have to admit that upon first reading this before I read Cooljaw: Dreaming Darkly, I was quite bewildered and impressed. I also liked Cooljaw's "Vector Game From Hell" style. Why isn't this rated as highly as that is beyond my control, but it's still worth the fives that I gave it.
When it comes to the visuals, I really like the Americana style with selective colors. Plus, I really liked the animated parts that were included in this. I have no problem with people using the rotoscope in order to get what needs to be done, but while I did like the vector game look; the way you animated that looked all jittery. (I heard from the Hollywood Animation Archive is that Rotoscoping is usually done on twos.) I also noticed that the downshots looked rather odd, but considering the surreal nature of this; I'll let it slide. As for the color selection, I think the use of pink--along the occasional use of blue and purple--was nice, but be careful that your linework doesn't blend in with that background gradient.
Audio: Clever use of doornob1's Spring Lullaby for the intro and Magisterial's As Autumn Passes for the credits. As said before, I may have liked Ism-Kidd's Waiting For Tomorrow, but it got repetitive after a while. Of course, I am appreciative of you including a stop music button.
Content: This is what makes or breaks a flash, this makes it. You definitely have the eyes, ears, and mind of a story writer/creator. The story is easy to follow, well-written, and actually makes people care about the characters. There are only a scant few on here that have this sort of talent (rpgsrok and Lazy Mode Comics) and it's not easy to make something that's going be remembered fondly, let alone iconic. The dialogue is excellent and shows that a lot of thought went into this. This is a sign that you have a lot of influences; most notably Kaori Yuki, Alan Moore, and Ralph Bakshi.
-Well-written story and dialogue
-Good animation for the intro and credits.
-Nice color selection
-Fitting music
-The fact that this is a flash comic
-Waiting For Tomorrow can get repetitive after a while.
Overall: Celx, I hope that your abilities as a writer, artist, and director don't end up like Frank Miller. Here's your ten for this type of excellence, and I hope a lot of people on here learn something from you.