I like your original cartoons more...
...than this and your Star Wars stuff. While DC/Marvel comic-related stuff has been done before; it isn't horribly overdone. However, like Throwback the Duck, Minushi, Arrogancy, and Shades of Grey (all of which original series that had potential yet got wasted); it has serious faults that prevent it from living up to the hype. The first one felt like a return to the 2000-2002 Portal, the second added a story to what was going on, and this unfortunately tries to be like the action-adventure cartoons that Ben Spurgin did only to fall short of the goal line. And he did some excellent stuff for this site before his death last year. With that out of the way...
Graphically, you have the composition skills with those city shots and the backgrounds. However, most of the characters outside of that dinosaur had very little animation except in a few small segments. No offence, but Keegan's Truck Chronicles Ep. 1 had more animation than this; and that was much more enjoyable. On the other hand, the character drawings are decent, which is nice considering that you have some nice design ideas. I'm torn on the sound department; on one hand you have some good-to-great music choices. Plus, the sound effects were above average. However, I'm not feeling the voice acting, which tries to be believeable, but ends up being cheesy. Just why is Omahdon one of the bad guys just baffles me? I feel that he's way out of place for a character like that. Then again, Arrogancy and Minushi had voices that are far worse than this. Then there's the story, while mildly interesting, is a bit lacking. We still don't know why they are out to kill Marvel and DC's finest, the purpose of the DB-esque orbs, that Apocalypse-esque guy who went after John, or why weren't Spawn and other Image comics characters involved in this. However, that's what Interquels are for.
What I did like:
-Underused subject
-Nice choice of shots
-Excellent background composition
-Decent villian designs
-Slightly interesting premise
What I didn't like:
-Uneven pacing
-Underdeveloped plot so far
-Not much in terms of actual animation.
-The voice acting tries to be good, but falls short.
Overall: Even though this has potential to be up there with what Doug Sauncy and the late, great Ben Spurgin have done; this needs a lot of work in order to be worthy of the high rating that it has right now. It may be worth having in the Flash Portal, but it doesn't justify being on the front page when it got released. Here's a six out of ten, which isn't bad, but it's in need of refinement to be good. Keep in mind that I usually don't give middling-to-low scores, but it needed to be mentioned.