Your series is what...
...Arrogancy should have been. (Try watching that series yourself) It has an overall coolness factor that I just tapped into last year. With that out of the way; onto the review...
In terms of art and animation, you've came a looooooong way since Magic Crack Rocks and the mix between full-body animation, segmented parts (the handgun), shaded-solid colors, and gradients was excellent. It may not be up to par with Don Bluth or Adam Philips; but it works. Second, excellent music selection from the audio portal which fit the situations that you were trying to convey. Plus, you and the actors you chose did a great job on the voices. Although this was based off of Shut Up and Evolve, that doesn't hurt your score when I saw what came after it. Plus, the directing and choreography is top notch. However, the filters that you used caused this to lag in parts, but since you made an excellent cartoon; I won't take the score down.
What I liked:
-Excellent voice acting
-Great art and animation
-Proper implementation of gradients
-Nice music selection
-Excellent directing and choreography
What I didn't like:
-Lag in some parts
-Not everyone will like the fact that this is an expansion of Shut Up and Evolve.
Overall: Yungjazz, you have just won a ten for making something worthy of such a score. Now if only RTil continued with his Project Freetown instead of that insult flash/daily day shtick.